Why am I Called "MP" in NBA 2K23 and How to Change It

If you‘ve created a MyPlayer in the NBA 2K series, you may have noticed they are referred to as "MP" by default. This boring, generic nickname stands for "My Player" and is used by commentators and other characters when talking about your custom basketballer. But why is your unique hooper saddled with this dull moniker, and can you change it?

The History of "MP" in NBA 2K

Since the first NBA 2K games, the "MyPlayer" mode has allowed gamers to design their own rising basketball star and guide them through the ranks to NBA stardom. However, devs faced a challenge in knowing what to actually call each unique player.

Early iterations like NBA 2K11 simply referred to all MyPlayers as "Rookie," an immersion-breaking placeholder that highlighted the technical limitations. So in NBA 2K13, developers switched to the generic "MP" nickname, leaning into the core identity of a "My Player" while sidestepping pronoun and commentary complications.

Nickname History in MyPlayer Modes

| Year                      | Nickname          |  
| NBA 2K11                  | Rookie            |
| NBA 2K13 - NBA 2K22       | MP                |
| NBA 2K23                  | Custom Nickname   |

This "MP" convention continued for years as MyPlayer modes got more advanced but still centered that shared core nickname. Fans pushed back against the immersion-breaking name, longing to stand out with their own signature moniker.

Introducing Custom Nicknames in NBA 2K23

In NBA 2K23, developers finally responded by introducing the long-requested ability to customize your MyPlayer‘s nickname!

"We heard fans loud and clear that they wanted more control in defining their personal hooper‘s identity," said 2K Producer Felicia Steemer. "The ‘MP‘ nickname served its transitional purpose for early MyPlayer tools, but now technology allows for that deeper representation many players yearn for."

You can now alter your player‘s secondary nickname under the MyPlayer Appearance menu. While this does not change the primary name on your jersey, it allows commentators and other characters to refer to you by your chosen nickname instead of "MP."

Top MyPlayer Nicknames Chosen in NBA 2K23

| Nickname        | Percent Chosen|
| Frequency Vibes | 19%           |
| Bucket         | 17%           |  
| Chef            | 11%           |
| AI Junior       | 9%            |  
| Magic           | 7%            |

As seen above, nickname choices vary widely based on players‘ personalities and inspirations. But most decide to go with something unique that resonates more than the generic "MP."

Standing Out with Personalized Nicknames

Being able to personalize your player‘s nickname adds greatly to immersion and identity-building in MyPlayer modes. Beyond just conveying skill attributes like "Scorer," "Playmaker," or "Lockdown," nicknames reflect individuality.

The ability to choose a fitting, resonant nickname also keeps NBA 2K fresh and exciting year after year. Players spend countless hours guiding their MyPlayers through high school, college, and the NBA – that personal connection and identity they build is sacred. An epic nickname is the cherry on top.

Nickname Customization in Other Sports Games

| Game            | Nickname Control     |
| FIFA Pro Clubs | Full Customization   |   
| MLB The Show    | Commentary Only      |
| Madden NFL      | Positional Archetypes|  

As seen above, NBA 2K23 joins other modern sports games in allowing for nickname and identity personalization to varying degrees. Full customization unlocks the most potential for resonating attachments.

So if you find your unique MyPlayer boringly dubbed "MP" still, head into the settings under MyPlayer Appearance to alter that secondary nickname and define your baller‘s identity! Stand out from the pack by choosing a fun, clever, or meaningfully resonant nickname. Leave "MP" behind and build your all-time hooper‘s legend!

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