Why You Might Not Be Getting Any Eggs in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet

The number one reason players report not getting any Pokémon eggs in Scarlet and Violet is simply not having compatible egg group breeds in your picnic party. Without a male and female Pokémon capable of interbreeding, you‘ll never get eggs no matter how long you wait.

Breeding Compatibility Rules

Ensuring You Have Compatible Pokémon Breeds

As seasoned Pokémon breeders know, not all Pokémon can produce eggs together. Specific rules govern breeding compatibility:

  • Pokémon must be in the same egg group – e.g. Field, Dragon. Check bulbapedia for groups.
  • Opposite genders are required, except when breeding with genderless Ditto.
  • Legendary Pokémon cannot breed at all (except Manaphy/Phione).

So before wasting time on fruitless picnics, verify you have an eligible breeding pair!

Leaving Picnics Long Enough for Egg Cycles

Assuming you have two compatible Pokémon, the next step is waiting long enough at picnics for breeding to actually occur. Community reports suggest average egg appearance rates of 1 per ~5-10 minutes of real time. This reflects internal "egg cycles" that must pass before a chance at eggs.

So while it‘s tempting to check immediately, don‘t expect instant eggs – leave your picnic sitting for a good duration like you would at the daycare in previous games. Enabling the Egg Power buff (great sandwiches for that here) helps accelerate this as well.

Making Sure You Have Room for Eggs

This one catches some players off guard – your trainer party needs open slots to actually receive eggs from picnic breeding. Even if your Pokémon produce eggs, if you already have 6 Pokémon those eggs are essentially tossed into the ether!

So especially if breeding for shinies with max odds, keep at least 1-2 spots clear in your party, alternating Pokémon into boxes as needed. You want to grab those shiny eggs the moment they appear to ensure you don‘t lose them.

Persistence and Luck Are Still Required

After verifying compatibility, waiting sufficiently long, and having capacity for new Pokémon – you still aren‘t guaranteed eggs every single time. There‘s still an element of luck, with breedability checks happening periodically behind the scenes.

So don‘t be discouraged if you don‘t get eggs consistently right away – set up multiple picnics across areas, try different meal effects, and don‘t give up. The eggs will start coming with persistence. And pro tip:encodedNEWs‘code‘tube is great for up to date breeding strategies.

  • Compatibility – Have male/female same egg group
  • Patience – 5-10 minutes per egg
  • Capacity – Open party slots
  • Persistence – Keep trying different locations/food

Check those elements, and the egg drought ends! Let me know if any other questions arise fellow trainers – and may your Shinies come speedily.

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