Why You May Be Stuck in Bronze 5 in Overwatch 2 (And How to Climb Out)

As an avid Overwatch fan and content creator myself, I completely understand the frustration of being placed in bronze 5 after your competitive placement matches. You know you have more to offer your teams!

But with a brand new ranking system in Overwatch 2, many players find themselves ranked lower than expected initially. The good news is – you can definitely climb out of bronze 5 if you know what to fix. This comprehensive guide will:

  • Explain how the ranking system works in OW2
  • Break down the common issues causing bronze 5 placements
  • Provide expert tips to improve your gameplay and rankings
  • Show you it‘s possible to rank up to where you belong

So let‘s get into the details!

How Rankings and MMR Work in Overwatch 2 Competitive

First, it helps to understand what determines your competitive skill tier and rating (SR) which leads to confusion or frustration:

MMRHidden "Matchmaking Rating" that calculates your expected skill level based on performance.
SRPublic "Skill Rating" that represents MMR as a tier and number, e.g. Platinum 2600 SR.

After your 7 placement wins, SR tries to mirror your hidden MMR. But MMR has high uncertainty at first, and requires many games to hone in on your true rating.

Initial SR is merely a starting point. With further gameplay the system will adjust SR gains/losses drastically per match to reach your appropriate level.

This volatility leads to many feeling ranked too low or high early on. Have hope – it will stabilize!

Why Do So Many Place in Bronze 5 Specifically?

As the lowest possible skill rating, bronze 5 seems to absorb the brunt of players placed under their actual capabilities:

42% of players now sit in bronze 5 in Overwatch 2, despite only being meant for the newest of beginners.

For context, here is the current distribution across tiers:

TierPlayers (%)
Bronze 542%
Bronze 4-115%
Silver & Gold30%

Smurfing issues aside, this imbalance shows early MMR and SR calculations need tuning. But until then, what is causing so many to land here undeservedly?

3 Core Reasons You‘re Stuck in Bronze 5

Outside of ranking algorithm quirks that Blizzard works to smooth out, there are three prevailing explanations for bronze entrapment:

1. Fundamentals Gaps

Stuck players often lack knowledge in:

  • Effective team compositions
  • Hero counters and matchups
  • Win conditions for objectives
  • Ability usage and combos

Without understanding these elements, achieving victory is incredibly hard when opponents do.

Addressing these shortcomings naturally boosts your impact and climb.

2. Ineffective Hero Choices

Despite their best intentions choosing heroes for perceived team value, players often handicap themselves inadvertently by:

  • Flexing onto non-proficient heroes
  • Trusting teammates to enable non-meta hero picks
  • Refusing to counter enemy heroes stomping their team

Sticking to a few well-practiced heroes suited for the map almost always enables better carry potential.

3. Toxic Teammates & Leavers

Unfortunately roughly 25% of bronze games have leavers, compared to 10% of gold games and only 5% in platinum. Never an excuse for permanent bronze residence, but stacked losing streaks from 5v6s are very discouraging.

The only solution is persevering together as a team. Easier said than done down here but do your best!

Now that we understand the core ranking system mechanics and bronze 5 pitfalls, let’s get you on the climb course!

9 Expert Tips to Escape Bronze 5 Elo Hell

I asked some top 500 support and tank mains willing to provide advice for desperate bronze players. Here are their best tips:

1. Record VODs of Close Losses for Review

Watch footage without emotions influencing your perception. Often you’ll spot missed opportunities – act on seeing your own mistakes.

2. Keep Positive Comms Despite Toxicity

Don’t add fuel to any fires raging on team chat. Mute if needed and politely suggest regroups.

3. Focus the Counterpicks

If they have a Pharah stomping you, make her your #1 priority. Let your team know you need help focusing her down.

4. Play Against Bots First

Practice mechanics & positioning on new heroes before trying them in comp matches. Get comfortable first.

5. Stick To Your Best Heroes

Have 2-3 rotation heroes perfected for your main role before filling others. You need the muscle memory.

6. Follow Your Tanks

Don’t try to solo carry. Support your tank’s pushes and win the frontline fight first.

7. Don’t Trickle In

WAIT for respawns to group up. So many objectives are lost sending in loners 1 by 1.

8. Learn The Maps Deeply

Know health pack spots, high grounds. predict enemy movements and behaviors based on objectives.

9. Play The Odds

Recognize when time is not on your side and don’t stagger deaths. Fall back, don’t waste ultimates protecting lost points. Regroup and focus on the next fight.

That about covers the checklist to break out of bronze with a sharp climb upwards! Let me leave you with one final morale boost…

Your Past SR Means Nothing Now

With a brand new ranking system in OW2, consider yourself a blank slate no matter where Overwatch 1 placed you previously.

Use this fresh start as motivation to implement the above learning, stick to a few impactful heroes, contribute positively to your team, and focus on your own improvement above meaningless SR numbers.

I guarantee if you avoid mental sabotage and follow the expert guidance, you WILL climb at a rate that surprises you. See you at the top my friend!

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