Why am I Winning Less LP in Ranked?

As an avid League of Legends gamer and content creator, I often receive questions from viewers about why they seem to be gaining reduced LP (League Points) per ranked match victory. This can be frustrating when you‘re trying to climb the ladder! As someone who follows the latest updates and innovations in League, I wanted to provide some professional insights.

Your MMR is Lower Than Your Current Rank

The most common reason for reduced LP gains is when your matchmaking rating (MMR) is lower than your current tier or division. MMR is Riot‘s hidden skill rating system that matches you with players of similar ability. It serves as the true measure of your skill level.

If your performance causes your MMR to drop significantly below your rank, the system will award you less LP per win to prevent inaccurate gains until your skill level normalizes. For example, if you are ranked Gold but have a Silver MMR, you may only get 15 LP per win rather than 20.

Ways to Improve Your MMR

  • Focus on consistent improvement rather than short-term LP gains
  • Work on fundamentals like CSing, map awareness and champion mastery
  • Maintain a positive mindset and avoid toxicity or rage-quitting

If you consistently play at your current skill level, your MMR will eventually match your rank again and LP gains will normalize. Patience and perseverance are key!

You‘re On a Losing Streak

Going on a losing streak signals to the system that your skill level may be overestimated. As a result, it lowers your MMR gains to prevent inflated spikes. For example, you may have been at a Gold III skill level, but after a significant losing streak, the system adjusts you downward to a Gold IV MMR.

To break out of this rut, take a short gaming break to untilt your mental, review recent losses to identify areas of improvement, and queue up with positive friends for an MMR reset. Focus on fundamentals and consistency over quick LP gains. Eventually your improved play will be reflected in your MMR!

Duo Queueing with Higher Ranked Friends

When duo queueing, the matchmaking system averages the MMR of you and your teammate to determine appropriate opponents. For example, let‘s say you are Gold and duo with a Platinum friend. The system will match you against high Gold – low Platinum MMR enemies.

To prevent rank boosting from duo mismatches, if your teammate has higher MMR the system will award you reduced LP gains to offset their influence. Only duo queue with similar ranks if you want accurate gains!

Smurf Queue

Finally, if your performance statistics indicate you are a smurf (highly skilled player on a new alternate account), you may be placed into "Smurf Queue". These special matches are meant to quickly identify your true skill level for appropriate ranking. LP gains and losses will be extreme (+30/-15 for example) until the system zeros in on your MMR.

Key Takeaways

  • Reduced LP gains indicate your MMR is lower than your current rank
  • Break ranked losing streaks and improve mindset to increase MMR
  • Only duo queue with similarly ranked friends
  • "Smurf Queue" accelerates ranking highly skilled alternate accounts

Focus on consistent, ethical play and your true skill will eventually be reflected in your LP gains per match! Avoid frustration and toxicity – improving your gameplay rewards you with higher MMR in the long run. Stay determined during your climb and remember to enjoy the process!

What has your experience been with LP gains in Ranked? Let me know in the comments!

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