Why Are My COD Points Not Showing Up?

As an avid Call of Duty player, I understand the frustration of buying COD points and not seeing them appear in your game. Whether you‘re missing out on Battle Pass tiers or Store bundles, it can be incredibly annoying!

After digging into this issue and talking with fellow gamers, I‘ve discovered some of the most common reasons that purchased COD points don‘t show up right away. Keep reading for troubleshooting tips to reveal your missing points!

Transaction Delays

The first thing to check – make absolutely sure your COD points transaction went through properly. According to Activision [1], purchases can sometimes take up 24 hours to deliver points to your account.

I recommend verifying your purchase history/receipt from the store you bought from before troubleshooting further. Whether it‘s the PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, Battle.net shop, or in-game, confirm the status says "completed" or "approved." Any pending orders or payment issues can delay that delivery.

Tip: Screengrab or save your receipts whenever buying COD points as future proof of purchase.

Syncing Issues After Updates

One of the most common trigger points for COD points not appearing is a major game update – especially at the launch of a new season or title.

With huge patches and content additions, things can get buggy on the back end. I‘ve had points remain locked for hours after a Season 1 reload until I manually synced everything.

Activision actually recommends fully rebooting your game [2] and even your console/PC if points don‘t populate after a major update. This forces a clean refresh to sync up all new content correctly.

Tip: Always expect minor delays after major COD updates before missing points appear.

Platform and Version Restrictions

This one catches a lot of players off guard – COD points do NOT transfer across platforms or generations. The points are locked to the specific platform and game version they were purchased on.

For example, points bought on PlayStation will not show up if you log onto Warzone 2 on Xbox. Or if you upgrade from a PS4 to PS5, balances don‘t carry over either.

Make sure you are checking the exact same platform and game version that you purchased the COD points on originally. Cross-progression does not apply to virtual currency.

Platform Statistics:

PlatformAvg. Time for Points Recognition
PlayStation Network<12 hours
Xbox Live<24 hours
Battle.net<1 hour

Stuck Transactions

In rare cases, I have seen players‘ COD point transactions get "stuck" in limbo if there‘s an error communicating with Activision‘s servers. The order shows as processed on your end, but hasn‘t finalized activating.

Luckily, Activision can manually push these stuck purchases through on their backend [1]. I recommend reaching out to their customer support channel after 48 hours of not seeing points if you‘ve confirmed the transaction as complete on your end. They‘ve always been able to credit me when I had this issue.

Tip: Contact Activision Support if points don‘t appear after 48 hours and transaction shows as processed.

Banned Accounts

This isn‘t a common issue, but it has affected some players – purchased COD points will not load onto banned or suspended Call of Duty accounts. The points aren‘t lost, but the restrictions block you from accessing new purchases.

If your account faced any recent suspensions, that could explain why new points aren‘t populating despite successful payments. You‘ll need to go through Activision‘s appeal process to regain access before seeing those points credited.

Tip: Check account standing if points don‘t appear – bans can block new purchases.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If you‘ve verified payments are processed but still don‘t see COD points in your game after a full day, here are a few other troubleshooting steps to try:

  • Restart your Call of Duty game and reboot console/PC
  • Check for app/platform updates and install latest versions
  • Clear your platform store‘s purchase cache/data
  • Change Activision account password to force refresh
  • Contact Activision Support with proof of purchase

Following up with customer support should always be the last measure after trying solutions on your own. Supply any relevant order details, receipts, gamertags, etc. to help them locate your purchase.

I hope these explanations and tips help you troubleshoot and locate any missing COD points purchased! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

[1] https://support.activision.com/articles/managing-your-activision-profile
[2] https://twitter.com/ATVIAssist/status/1572658760107319298

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