Why Are My Ears Hot? A Gamer‘s Guide to Finding Relief

As passionate gamers, we tend to have our fair share of rage moments. Maybe your ears burn hot with anger when your lobby gets invaded by hackers. Or embarrassment flushes through you when you pull a rookie move on stream. We‘ve all been there!

While a bit of flushed skin can be totally normal, my fellow gamers have also asked: should persistent hot, red, or burning ears be a cause for concern? What underlying conditions might lead to this sensation? And most importantly – how can we reduce discomfort and get back to owning noobs?

Let me walk you through the top explanations and relief tips I‘ve uncovered in my epic quest to defeat hot ears!

Sunburn and Weather Changes

Much like the scorching burn after forgetting sunscreen at a IRL festival, our ears can fall victim to UV damage. The skin on ears is delicate and easily burnt. The mayo clinic explains that sunburn causes skin inflammation and flareups for up to 5 days!

To ease the pain, be sure to coat your ears in soothing aloe vera gel and keep them covered with headphones in the future. If you’re rocking a sweet gaming hat, make sure to apply sunscreen on your ears too.

Sudden shifts between cold and hot weather can also cause your ears to flush. I had one subscriber from Norway mention his ears burned hot for hours after a short walk outside in winter. Some bodies have trouble adjusting between extremes.

Try wearing ear muffs if braving the cold, or use headphones with mesh padding in warmer weather to prevent overheating. Take short breaks in a cooler area if your game room is sweltering hot. Keep your body’s thermostat in a stable range.

Infections: COVID-19, Ear Infections and More

Infections are another pesky source of flushed ears according to doctors, likely due to the fever and inflammation they cause in your bod.

COVID-19 lists earaches as a common symptom, though the CDC has ear redness marked as “less common.” Still, be alert for any fullness and dull pain alongside other major COVID-19 indicators like cough, fatigue, and loss of smell. Catching this early can prevent spread!

Standard ear infections can also cause sharp pains…which throw off your headset game! See your doctor if ear pain persists over a few days, changes in hearing occur, or you have yellow/brown fluid discharging – as antibiotics might be needed.

In very bad cases, optical neuritis triggered by infections can cause partial deafness if untreated! So don’t ignore discomfort hoping it’ll pass. Let a professional rule out damage and monitor healing.

Allergic Reactions

Allergies are a PITA, am I right? Like when a single bite of eggs gives you rapid onset hives. Or when spring pollen makes your eyes all puffy and red, destroying your scope accuracy!

Well allergies can also provoke hot ears due to histamine reactions near skin’s surface. Your immune system freaks out over an allergen and releases inflammation-inducing chemicals.

Culprits might be new skin products, foods you’ve eaten, pet dander or seasonal pollen. Write down what you’ve been exposed to recently if hot ears start suddenly. Antihistamines like Zyrtec and Benadryl can counter the reaction short-term.

Chronic Skin Conditions

For recurring hot ear attacks with flaky, scaly or cracked skin, you may be battling a skin disorder like eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. These stem from overactive immune responses causing inflammation and skin changes.

Lifestyle measures like gentle skin cleansers, hydrating creams with ceramides, and avoiding irritants may help prevent outbreaks and discomfort. For more stubborn cases, your physician may prescribe topical hydrocortisone or special medicated ointments.

When to Seek Emergency Care

While common causes of hot ears are typically harmless singular events, be alert for these worrying signs demanding prompt medical care:

  • Severe or rapidly worsening ear pain
  • Sudden hearing loss or balance issues
  • Pus-like discharge oozing from your ear canal
  • Facial nerve paralysis symptoms like drooping eyelids/crooked smile
  • Extremely painful skin ulcerations

Ruptured ear drums, malignant otitis externa, and dangerous infections like mastoiditis can be behind these red flags – needing antibiotics or surgery if not treated quickly!

So stay vigilant after battles, my friends. Protect those ears and game on safely!

Your Pal,

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