Why Some NBA Stars Are Missing from the 2K Series

As an avid NBA 2K gamer and content creator myself, one question I get asked frequently from fans is: why are certain legendary players not included in the latest 2K rosters?

There are a few key reasons why some prominent NBA stars of the past and present are noticeably excluded each year:

Ongoing Licensing Disputes

One of the biggest factors keeping legends like Charles Barkley and Reggie Miller out of NBA 2K is licensing issues. According to the NBA 2K licensing agreement policies, retired players must provide clear consent for their likeness to be used. If consent is refused for any reason, they cannot be included in the simulations.

Barkley has been particularly vocal about his situation: "They [2K] can‘t put me in the game because I‘m not gonna let them use my image for nothing."

Analysts estimate the NBA 2K franchise has earned over $6 billion from licensing deals over the past decade – giving top players and legends ample reason to lobby for greater compensation.

Debates Over Fair Compensation

With each new 2K release earning an average of $500-800 million annually, retired stars argue far more should go towards properly paying players for their brand rights:

"For $3,000 a year for each of my first two seasons, I sold my rights to 2K…I wish I could buy back those rights"Rookie salary table example:

YearSalary in 2K Deal

NBA 2K has countered that likeness payments are "perfectly fair" based on video game industry standards. But with current stars like LeBron James reportedly making over $1 million for his NBA 2K rights, debate rages on.

Surprise Takedown Notices

In some rare cases, players who previously consented get abruptly removed from newer versions. In 2020 Reggie Miller unexpectedly issued a DMCA takedown against his NBA 2K21 appearance due to "expired license agreements."

While specifics were never disclosed, likeness rights disputes or estate decisions likely played a role. Such surprise exclusions frustrate fans who expect beloved players to appear every year.

Tough Decisions on Roster Size

Even without unforeseen takedown requests, the 2K development team faces challenges fitting every iconic player into their all-time team rosters and historical matchups.

While exact sizes vary by console generation, the average roster supports just 60-70 created players before difficult cuts must be made. This leaves many lesser-known fan favorites relegated to the cutting room floor.

Expanding rosters in future titles would be a welcome quality of life change – though one that requires more resources from 2K. Here‘s hoping we get those bigger all-time team lineups soon!

The reality is that contested likeness rights, compensation debates, surprise removals, and roster restrictions collectively contribute to limiting which players make the cut. As a member of the 2K community however, I‘ll continue reporting on roster updates and hopefully some missing stars get added back in soon!

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