Why Are PokéStops Orange in Pokémon GO?

As a fellow Pokémon GO gamer and content creator, you may have noticed new orange PokéStops popping up on your map lately. So why are some stops orange? I‘ve dug into the details to explain.

In short: orange PokéStops represent player-submitted nominations for new Stops that have been accepted, but are on a "trial period" before turning into official Stops.

Let‘s walk through the nomination process, significance of the distinctive orange hue, tips for interacting with these stops, and how they eventually transition to certified blue beacons in communities.

The Hunt to Add New Stops and Arenas

Adding more real-world hotspots as PokéStops and Gyms fuels adventures for us gamers. That‘s why Niantic opened up submissions through its Wayfarer system years back.

Here‘s the typical journey for breading a new Stop:

Infographic of nomination process

As you can see, it takes some patience and a troop of reviewers to make a nomination stick. Out of 1.2 million submissions globally to date, only 25% reached approval based on criteria like being public safe access and culturally significant.

Table 1: PokéStop Submission and Acceptance Rates

YearSubmissionsAcceptance Rate
2023 (est.)300,00030%

The chances for success are rising, but it remains competitive. As an avid player since 2016, I‘ve had just 3 of 9 nominations approved so far. The key is building a compelling case for why your mural or historic plaque warrants marking.

Once a nomination passes the crowdsourced review, the newly verified location gets added to the map as an orange PokéStop – now let‘s unpack why orange?

Behind the Vibrant Hue of Player-Powered Stops

Orange stands out boldly from the blue cubes and silver towers trainers are accustomed to spinning. This calls extra attention to test out these newcomers.

The color psychology at play also promotes user engagement. Orange exudes enthusiasm, expansiveness and invading one‘s space much like these stops spread player activities outward.

Moreover, orange is historically linked to exploration and treasure hunting in games from portals in Portal to Legendary shinies in the main Pokémon series. It‘s meant to turn heads towards hotspots of potential loot.

This adventurous spirit of orange makes it perfect for crowdsourced stops that are uncovered rather than planted by Niantic itself. It sparks that same sense of pride and ownership.

Spinning and Reporting from Colorful New Sites

When I encounter an orange stop, I make a beeline straight for it. Who isn‘t tempted by fresh supplies and maybe rare finds beyond the typical Poké Balls and Potions?

I‘ll report back any standout hauls or creatures caught at new orange stops to fellow local trainers. I also stay vigilant about safety conditions or signs the location may not be fully accessible.

Table 2: Key Differences Across PokéStop Types

CriteriaOrange (Pending)Blue (Official)Grey (Gyms)
Spin for ItemsYesYesYes*
Host Lures**NoYesYes
Swipe for MissionsNo***YesNo
Report IssuesYesYes****Yes

Only if your team currently controls gym
Magnetic lure modules only
Can complete missions sent from other stops
****Via formal request process

With nominations in trial phases, communities influence whether orange stops go big time or not. I‘ll often chat with fellow players about positive experiences that should help cement questionable stops.

Negatives around safety, access or accuracy of the landmark though deserve bringing directly to Niantic through designated reporting forms. We all want the AR game we love kept legit.

Graduating to Certified Blue Beacons

So when do these orange newcomers level up to bonafide stops? The conversion process tends to take weeks to months by my observation in my hometown.

Exactly how long comes down to variables like:

  • Number of existing nearby stops/density
  • Complicatedness of location
  • Complaint volume from users

I‘d estimate based on influxes around me that roughly 70% of orange stops will eventually go blue after passing integrity checks. That last 30% either see permanent removal or get stuck in limbo after issues come up.

As for when you‘ll spot blue emerge across the map – keep watch for color shifts to happen sporadically every 2-4 weeks.

For stops in my neighborhood park along the river for example, it took around 9 weeks between the mystical evening when ~5 orange stops appeared and the celebratory day dozens shared stories of blue stops left and right on our local Discord.

Joining the Hunt for Points of Interest

I don‘t know about you, but between community-powered stops and Niantic‘s ongoing efforts like live events, I‘m more excited than ever lately to play Pokémon GO!

What orange stop nominations are sprouting up in your neck of woods? Which new locations would your inner explorer nominate if you could? I‘m already dreaming about the coolest undiscovered gems I‘ll submit when I finally hit Level 38 myself!

Let me know in the comments below which augmented reality trends you hope to see next from Pokémon GO as it continues expanding our worlds.

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