Why Aren‘t Villagers Sleeping?

Villagers in Minecraft need sleep just like players do. A well-rested village is a productive village, with villagers breeding, trading often, and avoiding phantom attacks. However, you may notice your villagers refusing to catch some Z‘s at night. There are a few common reasons for this insomnia epidemic, which this guide will explore.

Not Enough Beds

The most straightforward reason villagers won‘t sleep is a sheer lack of beds. Count the number of villagers you have, and make sure you have at least that many beds available. Beds must have 2 air blocks of clearance above them for villagers to climb in. Grouping beds together facilitates sleep.

Villagers Won‘t Give Up Claimed Beds

Once a villager claims a bed, the bond is difficult to break. Killing the villager or breaking the bed are two ways to forcibly reset this claim. Villagers separated 100+ blocks from their bed will voluntarily release it. But beware pendulum commuting!

Insufficient Space Around Beds

In addition to vertical clearance, villagers need lateral elbow room to maneuver into beds. Place beds with one block space on either side and an open path in front. Trapdoors and carpets can obstruct the required 2 block heights.

Iron Farms Prevent Sleep

Villagers in iron farms (or near pillagers/zombies) stay awake to stare at the threat, even with beds available. Periodically break line of sight to allow sleep. Just a blink‘s worth will do.

Effects of Lack of Sleep

Sleepy villagers breed, trade, and build immunity slower than well-rested ones. And if more than 25% of villagers can‘t sleep, nightly phantom swarms attack until all are rested. Prioritize beds to avoid these headaches!

Making Sure Villagers Can Sleep

If your villagers are still not sleeping, methodically check for obstacles. Examine light levels, neighboring monsters, obstruction-free paths, bed occupancy, and sufficient air gaps. Sweet dreams!

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