Why You Can‘t Ask a Sim to Move In (And How to Fix It)

As a passionate Simmer and content creator who has put over 10,000 hours into the series, one of the most common questions I‘ve gotten from new players in my community is why the "Ask to Move In" interaction keeps failing, or worse – isn‘t even visible to click on!

If your dream of shacking up with your virtual soulmate has been dashed, don‘t worry – in this detailed guide, you‘ll learn what specific barriers stop move in requests and my pro tips to fix them:

You Need to Be Official Romantic Partners First

This trips up new Simmers constantly – you actually can‘t successfully ask a Sim to move in until you areOfficial Romantic Partners at level 5-6 relationship status. Lower relationship levels like Good Friends or even Romantic Interest won‘t open up the option.

As an experienced player, I totally get the excitement to rush into cohabitation, but take it from me – invest time building up the depth of your emotional connection first. Get through the early dating and romantic interest stages, have fights and makeups, weather life struggles together. Then when your bond is strong, the move in request will unlock.

Teens and Kids Can‘t Accept Move In Requests

Another newbie mixup is trying to ask children, toddlers or teenagers to move into your household. As much they may protest about being mature enough, the game engine simply does not allow move in requests targeting Sims below the Young Adult age at minimum.

If you think about it, this aligns with real world regulations where a minor cannot live apart from guardians without adult supervision until 18+ or becoming a legal adult. Yes, even teen relationships in University housing don‘t allow cohabitation. Be patient – eventually those childhood BFF crushes will both reach proper adulthood to take the next step!

Opposite Sex Restrictions Were Finally Removed

Veteran Simmers may recall how older games used to block unmarried cohabitation between opposite sex partners – requiring marriage first before they could share a home. As a proud advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and income equality, I railed against this outdated heteronormative restriction.

Thankfully in Sims 4, the inherent bias was fixed – now allowing both same-sex and opposite-sex couples to move in together regardless of marital status. It warms my heart to see virtual world policies evolve to match the real world and enable players full creative freedom.

You Need Open Sim Slots Before Anyone Else Can Join Your Family

Now this one can throw both new and returning players for a loop when they craft their perfect virtual homestead only to get stumped inviting more residents in. Every Sims household has a maximum Sim count capped at 8 members currently, no matter the physical size of your home.

So if you are already maxed out with 8 beloved Sims under your roof, there simply is no room at the inn for romantic partners, kids moving back home, adoptees etc. As tough it is to let go of your favorites, you have to pick 1 or more existing household members to move out first before a new Sim can be invited in via "Ask to Move In".

Even Meeting Requirements, Your Request Can Still Be Rejected!

This shocks new Simmers the most – even after ensuring you meet the age, relationship, gender and household slot prerequisites, the other Sim can still autonomously decline your "move in" request based on their unique personality, preferences and motivations thanks to sophisticated Sim autonomy systems!

As an insider tip – make sure to boost your requesting Sim‘s job level, income, home value, skill mastery and especially the depth of your existing relationship substantially before popping the question. This will maximize the probability they accept moving in versus rejecting it or further delaying a decision.

While unpredictable Sim behaviors make gameplay more exciting, I know it can be absolutely heartbreaking to get turned down when trying to take relationships to the next level after all that diligent relationship building. Hopefully these tips will help you troubleshoot and prepare so when your perfect partner arrives, your odds of settling down together succeed!

Let me know in the comments if these relationship stage hacks work or if you have encountered any other tricky barriers derailing your dreams of virtual domestic bliss!

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