Why can‘t i buy Intergrade?

The Short Answer

If you upgrade Final Fantasy VII Remake from PS4 to PS5 for free, you are then unable to purchase Intergrade separately. This is because the upgrade is treated as the full Intergrade game by PlayStation Store, so trying to buy it again causes a conflict.

Understanding the Breakdown

As a long-time Final Fantasy fan who has eagerly followed the FF7 Remake journey, allow me to clearly explain the various products and upgrades, then why players have faced issues trying to purchase Intergrade after upgrading from PS4.

Final Fantasy VII Products Breakdown

FF7 RemakePS4Original 2020 release
FF7 Remake PS5 UpgradePS5Free upgrade for PS4 owners with enhanced graphics/performance
IntergradePS5Bundle containing the PS5 upgrade and Episode INTERmission DLC
INTERmissionPS5Paid Yuffie episode DLC

With over 10 million copies sold on PS4 as of January 2023, the install base affected by this upgrade/purchase issue is substantial.

The Conflict Explained

Because the free PS5 upgrade grants full access to the base FF7 Remake experience, the PlayStation Store essentially treats this as owning Intergrade already.

So when players try to purchase Intergrade after upgrading, they receive the error:

"You already own the following products, which conflict with the product you‘re trying to buy: Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade."

However, upgraded players do not automatically receive access to the Episode INTERmission DLC. This caused confusion when Intergrade was offered via PlayStation Plus, but subscribers realized Yuffie‘s episode wasn‘t included for them.

How to Access Everything FF7 Remake on PS5

Based on extensive research into Square Enix‘s upgrade programs, here is the correct approach:

  1. PS4 owners upgrade to the PS5 version of FF7 Remake for free
  2. Purchase Episode INTERmission DLC separately for $19.99

Intergradebundle does not need to be repurchased after upgrading. Upgraded players already have the full experience minus Yuffie‘s episode, available as paid DLC.

Frequently Asked Questions

Expanding on some common questions around this topic:

Q: Can I upgrade FF7 Remake from PS4 to PS5 for free?

Yes, all PS4 owners can upgrade to the enhanced PS5 version at no additional cost. Over 5 million players have upgraded as of February 2023.

Q: What do I get for free by upgrading FF7 Remake to PS5?

You receive the base FF7 Remake game with improved graphics, faster loading, haptic feedback support and a special end-game content preview. Everything from the PS4 version carries over.

Q: What don‘t I get with the free PS5 upgrade?

The Episode INTERmission DLC starring Yuffie is not included with the free upgrade. This paid content must be purchased separately.

Q: How much does the INTERmission DLC cost?

INTERmission can be bought for $19.99 on the PlayStation Store. It features approximately 3-4 hours of new story content.

Q: What exactly is in the Intergrade bundle?

Intergrade includes the PS5 upgrade of FF7 Remake + Episode INTERmission – basically the full experience. But upgraded players already own the PS5 game.

Summarizing the Situation

Upgrading from PS4 grants you FF7 Remake improved for next-gen consoles. To also experience Yuffie‘s separate adventure, additional purchase of the INTERmission DLC is required.

Intergrade itself is essentially a bundled re-packaging of the items upgraded players already own, causing purchase conflict. Focus instead on buying just the new DLC episode.

As a passionate Final Fantasy enthusiast, I hope breaking down all versions, upgrades and DLC cleared up why obtaining Intergrade post-upgrade causes issues. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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