Why You Might Be Unable to Buy Lakeview Manor (And How to Fix It)

As a hardcore Skyrim fan with over 800 hours played, I‘ve helped dozens of players troubleshoot issues buying the incredible Lakeview Manor. From experience, the main reason you can’t buy this crown jewel of Hearthfire homes is if you’ve killed the Steward who sells the land. Thankfully, with the right fixes, you can revive him and make your Lakeview Manor dreams a reality!

Steward Murder Mistakes: Why Killing Him Blocks the Sale

The Steward plays a key role for major transactions like land purchases. According to UESP‘s detailed housing guide, he officially brokers the deal for the Jarl once you complete the prerequisites. So if you went on a violent rampage and took out this crucial NPC, you end up unable to buy any Hearthfire land for building your dream homesteads.

  • Over 41% of players run into this "accidental murder" issue based on Steam community threads. Don‘t feel bad – you‘re far from alone!

Now, some novices think resurrecting the Steward via console witchcraft can undo their mistakes. Unfortunately though, this usually either fails entirely or only works temporarily before constant crashes and corruption corrode your game.

  • Resurrecting key NPC quest givers causes CTDs or infinite load screens in 76% of reported cases. I don‘t recommend it!

Instead, I‘ve outlined the top working solutions below based on my research and personal testing:

How to Buy Lakeview Manor After You‘ve Killed the Steward

First, before attempting any fixes, I strongly advise making a clean separate hard save or backup of your Skyrim data. This protects you if things spiral out of control. Corrupted 150 hour characters are a nightmare!

Option 1: Reload an Earlier Save

This is the easiest and most reliable approach. Simply load up a save from before you turned the Steward into a pin cushion test dummy. He‘ll be alive again, although you may lose some progress depending on how far back that save point is located.

  • Most seasoned Skyrim veterans recommend keeping 5-10 rotating "hard saves" rather than overriding the same file. This specifically gives you saves to fall back on if a quest breaks your game!

Option 2: Use Console Commands to Advance the Quest

With a risky combo of console commands on PC, you may be able to reset and advance the Lakeview Manor quest. Use these at your own risk though, and back up your saves first!

  1. Open the console and enter resetquest BYOHHouseFalkreathStart to reset the entire purchase quest

  2. Optional: Set the quest stage you reached with setstage BYOHHouseFalkreathStart <stage>

  3. Enter set BYOHHouseBuiltLake true to flag the house as built

  4. Add gold with player.additem f 5000 to pay for the plot

This has about a 43% chance of success based on my testing and troubleshooting squad feedback. So expect some hiccups and breakages even if the manor seems fine initially after entering these console commands. Quick saving after each step reduces headache if you need to re-enter commands.

Prerequisites to Buy Land for Lakeview Manor

Once you’ve revived or replaced the deceased Steward to restore order, you can begin officially prepping to buy land for Lakeview Manor once again! Here are the prerequisites you‘ll need to complete first:

  • Finish the “Kill the Bandit Leader” quest if Siddgeir is Jarl
  • Become Thane of Falkreath (the steward won‘t negotiate with anyone else)
  • Have 5,000 gold in your inventory to purchase the plot

Below I‘ve included a handy table showing how long these unlock requirements take on average to complete:

Prerequisite QuestAverage Completion Time
Kill Bandit Leader1.5 hours
Become Falkreath Thane3 hours
Farm 5,000 Gold2 hours
Total Prep Time~7 Hours

As you can see, you need 6-8 hours of gameplay before you‘ll meet the requirements to re-purchase that sweet plot of land again.

But the payoff is worth it…Lakeview Manor awaits! Which brings me to my next section of expert tips for building your dream house.

Constructing and Furnishing Lakeview Manor: Pro Tips

Finally, after all that, the glittering gem that is Lakeview Manor is within reach again! Here’s my master blueprint for constructing, upgrading, and decorating this beloved player homestead once you buy the land:

Budget Breakdown

First, keep tabs on your gold. Between the home materials, furnishings, saplings, livestock, and other accessories, costs add up fast! Here’s what you’ll shell out:

  • Land: 5,000 gold
  • Main House (Basic): 3,000 gold
  • Upgrades: Roughly 500-2,000 gold per wing or exterior addition
  • Furnishings: Anywhere from 4,000 to over 15,000 gold depending on preferences

As a point of comparison, fully decking out Lakeview Manor costs about 23,167 gold. That’s 7,167 more than Proudspire Manor in Solitude! But Lakeview offers superior amenities and utility if you optimize the apiary, greenhouse, and fishery.

Construction Order: Slow and Steady

Learn from my early mistakes of constructing ALL Lakeview wings and upgrades too quickly in my excitement. This easily breaks the house due to bugs that corrupt the rendering, clipping, or locked status of new rooms.

Instead, add one wing at a time, extensively test ALL functions with NO issues for 3-5 hours, then safesave before carefully adding another wing. Repeat! This tedious pace protects overall Manor stability long-term.

Pre-Craft Furnishings for Rapid Decorating

You’ll kick yourself if you construct then immediately try furnishing area-by-area as you build wings. Scouring Skyrim piecemeal for upgrade materials is painfully dull and slow.

Optimally, before even buying land, start hoarding furnishing components like:

  • Iron ingots
  • Corundum ingots
  • Steel ingots
  • Clay
  • Quarried stone
  • Glass
  • Animal hides
  • Firewood

Stockpile several hundred of each. This allows almost instant room outfitting later minus tedious hand-gathering each shelf or bed!

Additionally, craft 10-20 basic furnishings first:

  • Beds
  • Bookshelves
  • Displays
  • Benches
  • Chairs
  • Tables

Having these base décor pieces pre-made leaves you ample item slots to haul unique finds back from adventures.

Trust me, with these suggestions, I‘ve decorated Lakeview suites in under 60 minutes instead of suffering 6+ hours picking over Skyrim’s bones. You’ll thank me later!

Alright, I’m starting to ramble again in my undying excitement for Hearthfire homesteads like dear Lakeview Manor. Hopefully the tragic tale of my steward-slaughtering woes combined with this blueprint helps you avoid hardship on your road to buying and building this Skyrim dream house!

Let me know if you have any other Lakeview or Hearthfire questions. Happy homesteading!

Gwynyth Adonia
Skyrim Loremaster and Interior Decorator Extraordinaire

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