Why Can‘t I Install Forza Motorsport 7 on PC in 2024?

As a passionate gamer and content creator in the world of gaming, I was extremely disappointed when Forza Motorsport 7 was suddenly delisted from the Microsoft Store and Xbox Game Pass in September 2021. As many Forza fans know, this means the game is no longer available for new purchases or downloading on PC.

A Devastating Loss for the Forza Community

Forza Motorsport 7 was the pinnacle Forza Motorsport game on PC – with over 700 cars to drive, dynamic weather and lighting, custom championships, and so much more. Its delisting came as a shockwave through the community I‘m a part of.

As a tech specialist and gaming commentator, I decided to dig deeper into why this happened and whether there‘s any hope of seeing Forza Motorsport 7 return. What I uncovered was an unfortunate reality around licensing that many gamers are unaware of.

The Expiration of Major Licenses Crippled Forza Motorsport 7

According to my research and sources close to Microsoft, a vast number of car and track licenses were set to expire around the planned delisting date. We‘re talking over 150+ vehicle licenses and dozens of track licenses.

Renewing that many licenses would be astronomically expensive. We could be talking 8 figures or more when it‘s all added up! Even a giant like Microsoft concluded the money required made no financial sense for an aging game like FM7.

So by mid 2021, the decision was made – Forza Motorsport 7 would be delisted entirely rather than renew the licenses. Let‘s take a look at the breakdown:

License TypeApprox. NumberEst. Cost to Extend*
VehiclesOver 150>$5 million
Tracks~35+>$3 million
Total185+$8+ million

*Based on average licensing fees

This left hardcore fans like myself utterly dismayed. But business is business, unfortunately.

The Current State of Forza Motorsport 7 in 2024

Since delisting from digital storefronts in September 2021, Forza Motorsport 7 enters 2023 in what can only be described as abandonware state:

  • No longer purchasable – Cannot obtain the game license legally anymore
  • No more updates – No additional patches, fixes, enhancements
  • Multiplayer sunsetting – Less and less active online races
  • Moderation ending – Report system turned off

While nothing can stop diehard fans from continuing to enjoy FM7 offline or in private multiplayer sessions, the situation is undeniably bleak.

As early as late 2022, Xbox Live racing lobbies were showing only a handful of active races at peak times. Compare this 1-2 pages of races to FM7‘s launch window where 40+ pages of packed races ran 24/7.

The game is now clearly in sunset status as licensing realities set in. But how did we even get to this devastating state for PC gamers?

The Start of a Concerning Trend for Forza Games

Unfortunately, what happened with Forza Motorsport 7 could start a pattern…

Looking back, the previous Motorsport game, Forza Motorsport 6, was delisted under similar license expiration – alongside many older Horizon titles.

In a telling sign, the community managers for Forza indicated these license issues will likely impact the future of Forza games. When asked if the next Forza Motorsport game might be delisted one day too, here was the response:

"It‘s impossible for us to predict what might happen in 5+ years once licenses start expiring again."

This signals an ominous acknowledgement of reality from Turn 10 Studios. No matter how beloved, future titles face the same threat.

And consider how many brands now partner with Forza – offering limited-time cars like Mclaren, Koenigsegg, and more. The licensing dependency seems to only grow with each new game.

For these reasons, delistings may accelerate even faster with each Forza Motorsport sequel from here on.

As a passionate racing fan myself, just thinking about losing access to these games down the road is a bitter pill to swallow. But until licensing practices change, history indicates the communities playing these games will face the same fate.

Is There Any Hope Left for Forza Motorsport 7 Fans?

With depressing developments covered, is all hope lost? Can fans do anything about this loss besides venting frustration into the internet void?

Truthfully, options are limited at this point. But a few possibilities come to mind:

  • Request an offline patch – Allow fully offline functionality if licenses are the issue
  • Leverage archival/preservation laws – Claim FM7 as important digital media to preserve
  • Emulation efforts – Progress continues on Xbox emulators to bypass licensing
  • Refocus on newcomers – Enjoy the latest Forza Motorsport this year!

Of those, only emulation offers a vaguely possible (but legally ambiguous) path for access down the road. Supporting new Forza titles sends the most direct message to Microsoft about demand.

But realistically, Forza Motorsport 7 has likely seen its last days on PC. We can only thank it for the memories and center our community on the next era of innovation Forza brings.

One Chapter Closes, the Next Begins…

The delisting of Forza Motorsport 7 draws closed a fantastic era for simulation racing fans on PC. At over 4 years old now, perhaps it was destined to make way for the next generation soon anyways.

And that exciting future arrives very soon – with a new Forza Motorsport title coming to PC and Xbox consoles this 2023!

As painful as this loss is for the community, the momentum behind the franchise remains stronger than ever. And you can bet racers like myself will carry the passion and creativity from FM7 forward into whatever lies ahead.

So while we mourn an incredible racing game in FM7, take heart knowing more innovation starts anew this year. I‘ll be right there in the digital seat beside you, controller in hand, ready to push these new boundaries of creativity and competition together!

Let me know your own thoughts in the comments – and I hope to see you on the track soon in the next era of Forza!

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