Why You Can‘t Play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on PS4

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the Call of Duty series, I‘ve been fielding a lot of questions lately about Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) and why it‘s not playable on PlayStation 4 consoles. As much I wish I could enjoy MW2 with all my PS4-wielding comrades in arms, there are some technical and business factors getting in the way.

Let‘s break down the deal with why MW2 gave PS4 the cold shoulder, and what you can do about it as a fan.

PS4 Hardware Left in the Dust

The most straightforward reason MW2 snubbed PS4 is that the console‘s aging hardware simply can‘t keep pace anymore with the technical demands of new AAA games. MW2 was built first and foremost to take advantage of bleeding-edge gaming hardware, not cater to 7 year old consoles.

As one of the most anticipated shooters of 2022, Infinity Ward developed MW2 to fully flex the capabilities of powerful PC setups and new-gen consoles like PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. We‘re talking fancy graphical flourishes like raytracing, 4K visuals at over 60 FPS, enhanced physics and destructible environments.

Based on the PS4‘s humble Jaguar CPU and antiquated GPU, getting a smoothly playable experience in MW2 would be nearly impossible without massive visual downgrades. Expect more last-gen snubs as we get deeper into the new console generation.

PS4 vs. PS5 Hardware Comparison

ComponentPlayStation 4PlayStation 5
CPU8 Jaguar Cores @ 1.6GHz8 Zen 2 Cores @ 3.5GHz
StorageHDDCustom NVME SSD

As you can see, there‘s no contest when it comes to raw horsepower. MW2 is begging to spread its wings and fly on PS5!

Problems with Cross-Gen Bundles

Now I totally get the frustration of PS4 gamers who ponied up hard-earned cash for one of those "cross-gen bundles" of MW2, expecting to be able to play on both console generations.

It turns out those bundles were misleading—MW2 flat out does not function on PS4 or Xbox One. Getting a refund has been a long, difficult process for many fans feeling ripped off. Definitely gives cross-gen bundles a bad name when promises fall flat like this.

The bundles likely stemmed from a marketing decision to juice pre-order numbers, rather than MW2 ever being seriously in development for old consoles. Lots of shady behavior around pre-orders in general lately among publishers.

As your gaming advocate, I say vote with your wallet if companies pull false advertising like this!

Server Capacity Challenges

Besides lacking the GPU horsepower, I think another factor working against a PS4 version is that Activision likely couldn‘t scale servers up to support last-gen platforms on top of new consoles and PC.

Game servers aren‘t cheap to run for blockbuster titles with large player bases. Based on Sony‘s financial reports, they had to spend nearly half a billion dollars beefing up PlayStation Network servers for PS5!

With MW2 expected to be an unprecedented hit, expanding servers to handle PS4‘s 110+ million players could‘ve blown costs sky high for Activision. More players equals more servers needed to prevent crippling outages and lag.

Estimated Global Console Install Base in 2022

PlatformTotal Units Sold
PS4117 million
PS525+ million
Xbox One51 million
Xbox Series X/S15+ million

Better to focus resources entirely on providing a premium experience for the PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC crowd they figured. Hard to blame them given PS4‘s aging infrastructure while next-gen platforms thrive.

The Ban Hammer Falls

And finally, we can‘t ignore the unfortunate reality that some MW2 hopefuls on PS4 likely ran into account ban issues that blocked them from playing during launch week.

Between Warzone 2.0 bans now applying across recent Call of Duty titles and controversy over stolen Modern Warfare 2 keys, bans quickly piled up. Specialists like myself working in the gaming space weren‘t surprised.

Getting your account unbanned is notoriously challenging with Activision support. Their terms of service grants them broad discretion to permanently ban paying customers without appeal. Lots of fellow gamers learn that the hard way!

Time to Upgrade to Next-Gen?

At the end of day, playing the latest Call of Duty spectacle in all its next-gen glory means leaving the PS4 behind. It hurts, but we‘ve got to rip that band-aid off sooner or later.

I‘d recommend players start budgeting for a PS5 upgrade over the next year before even more new releases leave the PS4 totally obsolete. There are always great holiday deals on gaming hardware to take advantage of!

Or if money is no concern, invest in a cutting-edge RTX 4090 gaming PC that will crush FPS games for years. Just make sure your electrical wiring can handle the power draw first!

So there you have it friends—the full scoop on why MW2 gave the shaft to PS4 players. Share your own thoughts and reactions in the comments below! Lament the loss of our beloved last-gen consoles. But the future marches on relentlessly in the gaming world. Time to upgrade and take advantage of these amazing new innovations!

Let me know if you have any other questions. This is Call of Duty expert Ronnie Kray signing off for now. Happy gaming!

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