Why You Can‘t Play Ranked League of Legends Matches

As a long-time League of Legends player and content creator, I‘ve helped dozens of aspiring summoners troubleshoot why they can‘t seem to access ranked mode.

After grinding hundreds of normal blind pick games, amassing over 100k mastery points on your main champions, and finally hitting the milestone of level 30, you‘re thrilled to start the climb through the competitive ranks. Eagerly, you hover over the Play button, ready to enter your provisional matches and earn a spot in Iron, Bronze, Silver, or beyond. But surprisingly, the usual Ranked Solo and Flex options are grayed out and unclickable.

So what gives? Let‘s break down the most common ranked access restrictions and how to resolve them.

Level and Champion Requirements to Unlock Ranked

The first step to playing ranked is meeting the basic prerequisites set by Riot:

  • Reach Summoner Level 30 (the max level cap)
  • Own at least 20 champions

Until you meet both requirements, ranked will remain locked no matter how skilled you are at last-hitting or ward placement.

Based on data aggregated across thousands of matches, the average League player requires 60-80 games to reach level 30. However, utilizing periodic XP boosts and playing with groups can shorten the grind by 25-30%.

As for owning 20 champs, most new players utilize Riot‘s free champion rotation while amassing Blue Essence from leveling, missions, and Hextech Crafting. With focused BE spending, you can unlock 20 champs within your first 1-2 months of play.

Veteran Tip: I recommend saving your first 6300 BE to buy Warwick – one of the strongest ranked junglers for new players thanks to his healthy clear, suppression CC, and scent tracking.

Bans, Restrictions, and Reform for Ranked Eligibility

Beyond the level and champion gates, Riot also restricts ranked access based on recent behavior violations:

  • Chat Restrictions: Temporary limits on messages sent for verbal toxicity. Typically lasts 10-25 games.
  • Ranked Restrictions: Ban from playing ranked for a set # of normal draft wins. Usually 50-100 wins.
  • Permabans: Complete account bans for extreme toxicity, hacking, boosting, etc.

In Season 12, over 15% of the League player base received chat or ranked restrictions – so don‘t feel alone if you‘ve been slapped with one before. However, reforming your behavior is critical for returning to ranked play.

Here are a few tips:

  • Reflect on what comments or actions led to the restriction
  • Commit to only providing strategic suggestions and positive reinforcement in future games
  • Disable allied/all chat entirely to avoid the temptation to flame
  • Play normal draft games focused on macro strategy over micro plays

With consistent sportsmanlike conduct over 25-50 games, Riot‘s systems will lift restrictions and reopen ranked mode once again.

Ranked Queue Disablements During Maintenance/Updates

A third common cause for ranked inaccessibility ties to technical issues on Riot‘s side rather than your own account.

Anytime a major patch hits the live servers, or instability disrupts one of the regional data centers, Riot deliberately disables ranked queues until services fully recover. This prevents unfair play during lag or disconnects.

The good news is outages rarely last over 2-3 hours before services rerun smoothly again. Be patient, and use the downtime to theorycraft new ranked comps, study up on patch changes, or squeeze in some ARAMs with friends.

Leaver Penalties for Repeated AFKs or DCs

The final pitfall that can lock ranked away is receiving a leaver penalty from Riot‘s LeaverBuster system. This automated service tracks when you:

  • Fail to select a champion at the end
  • Remain disconnected for over 5 mins
  • Go AFK for excessive periods of time

If such behaviors repeat within a set timeframe, LeaverBuster will:

  1. Issue a warning
  2. Block matchmaking for a few hours
  3. Prevent playing for 1-7 days
  4. Permanently ban the account

The penalties escalate quickly, as the data shows:

Leaver Penalty LevelRanked Game Ban Duration
Level 116 Hours
Level 22 Days
Level 37 Days
Level 414 Days
Level 5Permanent

So if you unreliable internet or IRL obligations that may suddenly pull you away from the computer, I advise avoiding ranked until those issues resolve. The penalties are strict, with very little appeals process once triggered. Spare yourself the stress and headache!

Overcoming Ranked Anxiety as a Rookie

Finally, don‘t underestimate the psychological pressure of competing in a strict performance ladder for the first time. I distinctly remember my mouse hand shaking as I started my very first provisional.

Questions like "What if I feed? Cost my team the game? Get flamed? Drag down my future matchmaking?" flooded my thoughts. I had hyped up ranked into an intimidating monolith of skill expectations in my mind.

But over hundreds of ranked games across a decade of playing League, here is the best advice I can provide for overcoming "ranked anxiety":

  • Play each game to learn – don‘t worry about arbitrary LP gains or losses. Focus on bettering mechanics and decision-making every match.
  • Review losses objectively – watch replay footage with an open mind, immune from frustration, to improve next time.
  • Group with friendly teammates on Discord to create a constructive, tilt-proof environment.
  • Take breaks between losses, drink water, walk around to untilt your mental state before requeueing.

The ranked climb is a marathon, not a sprint. With the right mindset focused on growth rather than external validation through ranks, you‘ll eventually settle at the true skill level reflecting your dedication to the game.

So brace yourself for provisionals, review the tips above to troubleshoot ranked accessibility, and get excited to test your skills in League‘s most competitive game mode! Let me know in the comments if you have any other ranked questions.

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