Why Can‘t I Play Ranked Siege?

As a longtime Rainbow Six Siege player and self-proclaimed competitive addict, few things are more frustrating than loading up the game itching for a ranked match only to find those glorious words "Ranked Mode Unlocked" nowhere to be seen.

Believe me, I‘ve smashed my mouse in outrage many times over this. If you can relate, this is the guide for you.

Today I‘ll be breaking down the common issues that restrict access to ranked play, dissect the method behind Ubisoft‘s ranked design, and provide troubleshooting tips to get you back on the grind towards Champion rank. Strap in for the long haul and let‘s get into it!

Barricade Ranked

Why is Ranked Locked? An Exposé on Ubisoft‘s Questionable Decisions

Before I tear into Ubisoft for their ranked restrictions, let‘s outline the core criteria that dictate whether or not you can participate in ranked play:

Ranked Mode Unlock Requirements

  • Reach Account Level 50
  • Have 2-Factor Authentication Enabled
  • Connect Ubisoft Account to SMS/Phone Number
  • Don‘t be actively banned or suspended

Seems simple enough right? WRONG.

The Ubisoft gods have decided to gatekeep ranked behind mountains of unnecessary XP grinding. Let‘s discuss…

The Level 50Requirement – Unjustified Time Gate

Reaching level 50 takes approximately 40-60 hours for the average player. Veterans argue this extensive grind teaches you basics before ranked. I call BS – it‘s blatant time padding.

Data shows only 15% of the 27 million Siege players interact with ranked so there‘s no need to penalize everyone! Most competitive gamers learn faster from ranked itself – just look at CSGO or Valorant.

No data suggests Level 50 unlocks better ranked preparedness. Ubisoft wastes our time because they can.

Restrictive Party Limitations – Let Us Play With Friends!

I understand the desire to prevent boosting but the 1000 MMR limit to squad up feels excessive. Friends with skill gaps even 500 MMR apart can‘t enjoy ranked together.

Ubisoft wants to match "competitive integrity" but refuses to implement more solutions (like only allowing 3/5 stack MMR averaging). People derank on purpose anyway!

Their stubborn party limitations sow unnecessary discord amongst the community. Lighten up these restrictions already!

The 2FA/SMS Barrier – Unwarranted Distrust of Players

Binding your phone number to play a video game is ridiculous. Period.

Ubisoft claims it‘s for "account security" but nothing stops trolls from toggling 2FA off after unlocking ranked anyway!

Unless you‘re a high level pro player, no one is spending time hacking coppers. Stop punishing your loyal fanbase that want ranked access with overly invasive tracking methods!

The shorter answer to "Why can‘t I play ranked?"… because Ubisoft doesn‘t trust you!

Ranked System and Progression Breakdown

Before bursting blood vessels over ranked access restrictions, it‘s important to understand how the competitive ladder and Match Making Rating (MMR) system works in Rainbow Six Siege.

Ranked distribution

  • Ranks range from Copper to Champion
  • Champion is top 0.2% of 27 million players
  • Most players sit Gold 2 to Plat 2
  • Your MMR determines matchmaking and rank

Winning earns MMR, losing deducts it. Consistent performance over many games lets your true skill shine through. Players need to grind hundreds of matches over a season to reach their peak rank.

This sheer variety of volatile games required makes progress slow by design. It‘s why Ubisoft time gates ranked access – to string along player retention. Now you see the method behind their madness!

Of course, whether their reasoning aligns with our interests as players is debatable…

Troubleshooting Guide: How To Access Ranked Play

Alright, time to jump into the actionables and get you actually playing ranked matches!

Here are pro tips to unlock ranked mode or lift restrictions:

Reach Level 50 Faster

  • Play Newcomer playlist – faster XP from fewer maps
  • Activate XP boosters from Ubisoft Club
  • Stack XP bonuses from events and challenges
  • Squad up with friends – additional XP per match

Meet Mandatory Ranked Criteria

  • Enable 2FA on your Ubisoft account
  • Add valid phone number for SMS verification
  • Don‘t risk further bans while suspended!

Lift Ranked Bans

  • 30 minute ban – Abandoning a ranked game
  • 2 hour ban – Second abandon offense
  • 24 hour ban – Third abandon offense
  • 7 day ban – Continued violations

Don‘t abandon your team! Legit connection issues should be forgiven but repeated bailing screws your squad.

If banned unfairly, submit a Ubisoft support ticket.

Play With Friends In Ranked

  • Squad up in casual/unranked to align skills closer through shared learning
  • Have better players smurf alternate accounts temporarily
  • Take turns playing on each other‘s accounts in ranked

Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Preparing for Ranked While Locked Out

If grinding Newcomer endlessly has you losing sanity, here are constructive ways to spend time awaiting ranked access:

Study Operator Meta

Analyze pick/ban/win rates for popular maps and sites. Study winning team compositions.

Refine Gun Skill

Aim train utilizing practice range drills. Learn recoil patterns. Nail crosshair placement.

Strengthen Macro Fundamentals

Focus objectives, economical utility usage, info gathering, communication etiquette.

Spar Against Ranked Emulation

Scrim competitive custom matches on ranked map pool/ruleset.

Build Team Chemistry

Add players who impressed you and queue together. Develop roles/coordination.

While Ubisoft continues gatekeeping ranked mode, don‘t let the barriers extinguish your competitive fire. Ranked access will unlock in time. Master these self-improvement fundamentals in the meantime and you‘ll dominate your eventual placement matches on the path out of copper hell!

Stay sharp on the grind! Hopefully this guide brings you one step closer to glorious champion rank – I‘ll see you on the battlefield.

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