Why Can‘t I See Shared Games on Steam?

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I often get questions from readers about troubleshooting issues with Steam‘s library sharing feature. Not being able to see shared games is a common problem, usually with a simple fix.

Common Causes

According to Steam‘s support page, the most common reasons you can‘t see a shared library are:

  • Library sharing isn‘t enabled properly
  • There are too many borrowed games already
  • Devices aren‘t authorized for game sharing
  • Outdated Steam client or settings

Below I‘ll expand on the troubleshooting steps for each issue.

Enable Library Sharing

Steam allows you to share your game library with family or friends, giving them access to play your games while you aren‘t playing.

To set up Family Library Sharing:

  1. In Steam, go to Settings > Family and authorize library sharing
  2. Have other users log into Steam on their devices
  3. Have them authorize your library for sharing as well
[Insert data on number of Steam users that use family sharing]

Without the authorization on both sides, you won‘t be able to see each other‘s game libraries.

Check Number of Shared Games

Steam limits each account to share their library with up to 5 devices simultaneously. If you‘ve reached that limit, any extra authorized devices won‘t be able to access the shared games.

The easiest fix is to have one of the other devices stop playing any shared games to free up access. Steam will then refresh permissions across all authorized devices.

Authorize Devices

Steam requires you to authorize each individual computer or device that you want to share libraries across. If you try accessing shared games from a new PC or laptop, you‘ll need to enable sharing authorization in Steam‘s settings on that device first.

Here are the steps:

  1. Launch Steam on the new device
  2. Go to Settings > Family
  3. Click "Authorize Library Sharing on this computer"
  4. Have the library owner re-authorize sharing as well

This handshaking ensures both parties consent to sharing across any given device, for privacy and security purposes.

Update Steam Client

Sometimes the issue is simply an outdated Steam client or app settings that get stuck.

It‘s good practice to check for Steam client updates weekly or when you notice odd behavior like missing games. For optimal stability, I recommend keeping the client updated to the latest version available.

Additionally, try resetting the Steam application data folder, which will clear stuck settings or cache issues.

  1. Close Steam
  2. Browse to \Program Files (x86)\Steam\ (or where Steam is installled)
  3. Delete everything except the steamapps folder and steam.exe
  4. Launch Steam – this will recreate fresh app data and settings

After updating Steam and resetting app data, check if you can now see each other‘s shared libraries properly.

When All Else Fails…

Despite troubleshooting, some users report Steam library sharing just doesn‘t work properly between certain accounts.

If you‘ve tried everything suggested above, your best recourse is to directly contact Steam Support. Provide as much detail about the issue as possible along with screenshots.

Their technical team may be able to identify why your two accounts can‘t establish a working library share. They can also look up diagnostics to see if there are errors or restrictions logged for either account.

For most users, Steam‘s game sharing feature works seamlessly. But occasionally stubborn issues do crop up. Hopefully these tips help you resolve your library visibility problems. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!

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