Why You Can‘t Split Your Sims 4 Household & How to Fix It

As a passionate Sims 4 player, nothing is more frustrating than trying to split up your sprawling virtual family into a new home only to have the game refuse. Why does it happen and how can you finally separate those Sims? This gamer-focused guide has you covered!

The Dreaded 8 Sim Limit

The root of most household splitting woes is the base game‘s max home size of only 8 sims. Try to move anyone out into a new family past that, and The Sims says nope.

Expansion packs don‘t help either – the limit technically stays capped at 8 for the base game functionality interacting with households.

Without mods, 8 sims is the hard cutoff before you必须 start deleting relatives or punting teens out the door at young ages to make space. Sad trombone noise

Base Game Household Limit8 Sims
Maximum Sims Per House with Popular Mods20+ Sims

Luckily, player-made mods joyfully ignore limits set by EA and override the household size rule with custom code magic.

Top Mods to Expand Your Sim Fam

Install one of these popular mods, restart your game, adjust a simple slider, and found your own bustling Dynasty!

MCCC – MC Command Center by Deaderpool

Considered essential by many fans for its customization and automation tools. Lets you set maximum household size up to 64 sims!

More Than 8 Sims by Zerbu

Does nothing but remove the pesky 8 sim blockade. Less powerful than MCCC but simple and focused.

Not Enough Funds to Afford Splitting

Sims splitting from their main family into a new household need to purchase and furnish their own home.

If your savings don‘t cut it, the split function will stubbornly refuse to cooperate.

So what‘s the minimum recommended household value to permit splitting?

§25,000-50,000 depending on number of sims moving out. More with bigger families being divided. Covering cheap starter home cost + basic furniture.

With the base game‘s fairly generous cash gifts and rewards, most established saves have the funds to split. But early on with starter families, funds can fall short.

Why Is My Split Keep Failing?

You met all limits and requirements, but the split keeps mysteriously failing or hitting roadblocks? Annoying mod conflicts or random bugs could be the culprits behind your household splitting woes.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Save & fully restart game
  • Repair game in Origin
  • Remove all mods & cc
  • Split on a fresh/alternate save
  • Reset the sims stuck splitting

Still having issues? Check for pending game or mod updates. And if all else fails, bring out the big guns by completely deleting cache files or reinstalling The Sims 4 as last resorts.

How to Successfully Split Sims 4 Households

When the conditions align, here is the process to seamlessly divide your sims dynasty into two separate homes:

  1. Open Manage Households panel
  2. Select the family you wish to split
  3. Click the Transfer Sims Between Households button (two arrows icon)
  4. Designate which sims will stay vs. move out into new family
  5. Optionally set relationship ties between separated sims
  6. Confirm split into new household!

With the limits and roadblocks covered above resolved, splitting up your overstuffed Sims home into two should go smooth as butter.

In Conclusion: Break Free of Limits!

Base game household caps can severely constrain the sprawling multi-gen dynasties and bustling home of sim-loving gamers.

But with the help of a few fantastic player mods and some wise troubleshooting, you can push past outdated limits and split your sims families into as many new homes as you desire!

What has been your experience splitting up crowded Sims 4 households? Did any tricks above do the trick for you? Let me know in the comments!

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