Why Can‘t I Start Competitive Overwatch 2?

If you‘re a new Overwatch 2 player eager to test your skills in ranked play, you‘ll first need to clear some hurdles before entering Competitive mode. Specifically, you must complete the introductory FTUE tutorial and win 50 Quick Play matches.

This guide will explain Overwatch 2‘s Competitive unlock requirements and ranked system in detail, so you can start your skill climb!

First-Time User Experience (FTUE) – The Onboarding Tutorial

Blizzard added the FTUE tutorial with Overwatch 2 so all players start on the same footing, learning movement, abilities, game modes, and more gameplay fundamentals through a structured sequence of challenges. FTUE consists of:

  • 2 introductory cinematic shorts
  • 14 lessons focused on movement, shooting, abilities, ultimates, ping system, game modes, etc.
  • Success criteria to apply the concepts taught

FTUE culminates in a 5v5 multiplayer match against AI enemies so you can implement everything into a team scenario. Blizzard estimates FTUE takes approximately 75 to 90 minutes complete.

Why Require FTUE For Competitive?

Restricting Competitive access until FTUE finishes ensures all ranked players have baseline knowledge of gameplay mechanics. Since coordinated teamplay is so vital for victory in Overwatch 2, it would be frustrating and unfun if newbies jumped straight into ranked queues without understanding hero kits or objectives.

Win 50 Quick Play Matches

After the onboarding tutorial, you‘ll still need 50 Quick Play wins before ranked unlocks.

Quick Play and other arcade modes prepare you for ranked by:

  • Letting you safely learn new heroes
  • Practicing mechanics against human opponents
  • Experiencing non-serious matches so you can develop game sense

50 wins verifies you can actively contribute toward victories regularly, working with teammates against counters and obstacles. On average, it takes 5-10 hours of playtime to achieve depending on your skill.

Why 50 Wins?

Rather than a set level or playtime threshold anyone could eventually attain, 50 wins specifically filters for a minimum capacity to win games. If you can‘t win at least 50% of Quick Play matches, you probably lack fundamentals necessary for ranked teamplay.

By contrast, other popular competitive games also have gates:

  • Valorant – Win 20 unrated matches
  • League of Legends – Reach level 30 summoner level (~200 hours)
  • Rocket League – Play 10 placement games

So Overwatch 2‘s 50 wins is reasonable compared to other titles.

Competitive Game Mode Finally Unlocks!

Once you complete FTUE and accrue 50 Quick Play wins, Competitive mode becomes selectable from the main menu.

The ranked playlist has a few variants:

  • Role Queue – Queue for Damage, Tank, or Support locks
  • Open Queue ̇- Pick any composition freely
  • Alternate MMR – Secondary rating for experimenting

Upon selecting your first ever Competitive mode, you‘ll need to complete five placement matches so the system can estimate your initial skill ranking. Placements assess factors like:

  • Your personal statistics
  • Enemies defeated
  • Teamfight contributions
  • Victories/defeats
  • Overall impact on match outcomes

After placements end, you‘ll receive your first competitive skill tier and rating. Let‘s break down what it means…

Competitive Skill Tiers and Ratings

Overwatch 2‘s competitive system places you into a tiered skill bracket across 7 levels:

Tier         Top Percentile of Players
Bronze     0th - 40th
Silver     40th - 80th  
Gold       80th - 92nd
Platinum     92nd - 96th
Diamond      96th - 99th
Master       99th - 99.9th 
Grandmaster  99.9th+

Within each tier, numeric skill ratings (SR) rank players. For example, Bronze players range from the lowest Bronze 5 up to Bronze 1. Diamond 3 represents a higher rating than Diamond 5.

As your personal rating rises or falls, you move up/down divisions and tiers. But where do most players sit?

Competitive Rank Distribution

Blizzard has not published official rating distribution data for Overwatch 2 yet.

But we can extrapolate expected percentiles based on public data from August 2022 during Overwatch 1‘s final competitive season:

Tier        Players (OW1)
Bronze       8.16%
Silver       20.58%
Gold         31.79%  
Platinum     24.70%
Diamond      10.54%
Master       3.18%
Grandmaster  1.05%  

So realistically, you can expect average rated players to sit in Gold or Platinum tiers. Anything Diamond and beyond is fantastic skill!

What‘s Considered "Good"?

Opinions vary on what constitutes a good rank, but here are general perceptions:

  • Bronze -> Knowing basics
  • Low Silver -> Decent mechanical skill
  • High Silver -> Good fundamentals
  • Gold -> Broad hero pool/game sense
  • Platinum -> Well-rounded skills
  • Diamond -> Mastery of a few heroes
  • Master+ -> Exceptional talent

Getting placed Silver bordering Gold means you grasp Overwatch 2 well. If Competitive is new for you, it may require some rating volatility over placements and initial matches before converging toward your true skill bracket.

So be patient and focus on improvement rather than fixating on SR changes early on. The climb itself helps you progressively get better!

Now let‘s tackle other common questions from competitive hopefuls…

FAQ: Overwatch 2 Competitive Unlocks & Progression

Q: Approximately how long to unlock Competitive?

  • It takes most players around 5-15 hours of game time total:
    • 1.5 hours for FTUE lessons
    • 5-10 hours winning 50 Quick Play games

Q: Can I group with cross-platform friends for Competitive?

  • Unfortunately, no. Competitive has separate matchmaking pools for PC and console players due to balance factors.

Q: How is MMR different from visible ratings?

  • Overwatch 2 uses hidden matchmaking rating (MMR) to match you against similarly skilled opponents. MMR converges toward your true rating faster than the visible SR progression early on.

Q: Is ranking harder for Damage heroes?

  • Yes. Since Damage heroes make highlight plays, they are often the most popular and contested roles. Exceptional DPS players must compete against a larger talent pool which skews rankings.

  • Conversely, playing Support and Tank comparatively grants easier ratings but tests team reliance and leadership skills more.

Q: How many wins to get an initial placement?

  • You need to complete 5 placement games for the system to roughly gauge your competitive rating. After placements, the more you play the more accurately your rating reflects proper skill.

Q: What changed from the original Overwatch Competitive?

  • Major differences vs. the original include:

    • Replaced Sudden Death with draw potential
    • Ties now possible on Control map rounds
    • Busan arena added with map pool refresh
    • Comprehensive skill rating resets
    • New Bronze tier added below Silver
    • Top 500 immortalized per role rather than combined

So in summary, Overwatch 2 Competitive introduces better matchmaking, updated balance changes, quality of life fixes, and new maps/objectives.

The scoring algorithms also recalibrated to provide certain ratings better granularity in density. This translates to fairer tests of skill.

Q: What are the main strategies for ranking up?

If you want to maximize SR gains during your initial climb, key tips include:

  • Stick to a small hero pool: Master 2-4 heroes instead of flexing randomly every match. Depth beats breadth early on.
  • Group up: Joining even just 1 friend boosts coordination. Review play as a team too and build synergy.
  • Review losses: Download replays to learn from defeats. Analyze where your impact faded and improve.
  • Focus objectives: Don‘t chase kills. Play for the objectives and enable your teammates.

Final Tips For Overwatch 2 Competitive

Hopefully this guide has clearly explained Overwatch 2‘s competitive barricades – finishing the FTUE and accruing 50 Quick Play wins.

These gates ensure rated matches feel like proper tests of skill rather than disjointed clown fiestas. Blizzard‘s matchmaking algorithms also improved significantly in the sequel, leading to closer contests decided by strategy rather than raw mechanics alone.

As you rack up placements en route to your debut ranking, temper expectations, stick to fundamentals, and concentrate on incremental growth rather than huge leaps in rating.

Over time, adopting positive habits will compound into tangible rating and tier climbs. Learn from losses, celebrate wins as a team, and remember to have fun in the journey too!

What other OW2 Competitive questions do you have? Let me know in comments!

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