Why can‘t I use Origin anymore? A gamer‘s guide to the end of an era

As a passionate gamer and content creator focused on the gaming industry, I was as shocked as anyone when EA announced they were shutting down Origin. Origin has been a core platform for EA games on PC for over a decade. But with the launch of the new EA Desktop app in 2022, Origin is being phased out.

This transition leaves PC gamers like us with a ton of questions. Why is Origin really shutting down? What does this mean for our game libraries and purchases? Is EA Desktop a true replacement, or should we be worried? I‘ve done deep research into EA‘s decision and what it means for the future. Here is the real scoop on the end of Origin.

Origin‘s Technical Issues Finally Caught Up

Let‘s be honest, as much as we relied on Origin, the platform had major technical issues. Frequent crashing, install failures, and lag plagued the client. Players complained for years about its clunky interface and bloated memory hogging.

According to early tests by experts like PCGamer, EA Desktop is leaps and bounds better under the hood. Streamlined and 60% smaller in file size, it launches twice as fast. For gamers like us suffering through Origin‘s slow speeds, this is a breath of fresh air.

Origin really struggled to keep up as game libraries and server loads grew over the years. EA finally decided enough was enough, and to remain competitive, a fresh start was needed. For context, Origin peaked at over 270 million registered users in 2020! On the business side, it clearly made sense to quit supporting such dated infrastructure.

Players Approve of the New EA Desktop So Far

How are players actually reacting to this change based on early reviews? While saying goodbye to Origin is bittersweet for some, the consensus seems positive overall. In a recent survey by GameRevolution, a whopping 76% of players approved of the EA Desktop upgrade.

Many note the faster speeds and reduced headaches around installs and crashes as major quality of life improvements. Reviewers also praise the UI enhancements like clearer navigation and search. Small touches like animated backgrounds and sound effects add polish.

Importantly, game libraries and purchases transferred smoothly for most during the transition. Considering the scope of the switchover, EA deserves credit for avoiding large-scale content loss or access issues. Of course, not everything is perfect yet. But as an enthusiastic gamer myself, I‘m thrilled to see this level of improvement!

EA Prioritizes Branding Focus with the Change

On the business end, consolidating under the EA brand appears to be a driving factor in Origin‘s closure. EA has been moving towards unified branding in recent years across its major product lines like EA Sports.

Analysts like Business Insider say the Origin name change furthers this strategy. User familiarity for the core EA name provides marketing value. While the Origin brand had its own following, EA Desktop builds clearer alignment.

The numbers back this up. EA has over 430 million players globally. Their flagship EA Sports franchises like FIFA and Madden sell tens of millions annually. Leveraging the EA brand familiarity with casual players is smart business. While hardcore gamers like us know and love Origin, the EA name likely resonates far more broadly.

What About Our Origin Content and Purchase History?

Of course, the biggest concern is what happens to our cherished game collections and purchase history. The good news is that the transition has been smooth for most players. EA prepared for over a year to migrate Origin systems and servers behind the scenes.

While future Origin purchases are discontinued, legacy content remains intact and playable through the EA Desktop app. However, some users have reported rare missing game issues. EA‘s official advice is to login via Origin again and verify all titles display properly. If not, contacting customer support should resolve any isolated migration problems.

However, there are a few key caveats. Purchases made outside of EA Desktop will not transfer over. And your friend lists and some social data required a fresh link up. Overall though, years of purchases and progress are thankfully not lost. EA deserves praise for the care taken to protect our beloved game collections.

What If I Still Rely on Key Origin Features?

For hardcore Origin users, the phase out understandably stings. While EA Desktop nails core app performance, some Origin standbys like user reviews are mysteriously absent so far. And desktop friend integration is currently barebones compared to Origin‘s maturity in this area.

If you still rely on key Origin features daily for your gaming experience, you aren‘t alone. My advice is to continue using Origin for as long as it remains functional. At some point, support will fully discontinue. But for now, dual launching both apps provides a fallback option.

I expect desktop social systems and missing elements to improve over time. We early adopters serve an important role in providing feedback to help shape EA Desktop‘s ongoing evolution. Voice your concerns and suggestions to push the platform into its best form!

Saying Goodbye: My Favorite Origin Memories

On a personal note, I have many fond gaming memories made possible by Origin‘s impact on PC gaming over the past decade. Access to an unprecedented library of titles reshaped the industry. And who could forget the joys of deep diving into settings and customizations unavailable on consoles.

While Origin was never perfect, it served as a portal to immense possibility. Exploring worlds like Mass Effect‘s Andromeda galaxy simply couldn‘t happen on such a grand scale otherwise. And through cloud access, Origin unlocked gaming on-the-go possibilities before its time.

So yes, while excitement for what‘s next with EA Desktop runs high, part of me will always cherish the Integral role Origin played in advancing PC gaming. I invite you to share your favorite Origin memories as we walk forward into this new era hand-in-hand with EA. Excelsior!

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