Why You May Not Get Videos for Extra Lives in Candy Crush

As a passionate Candy Crush player and content creator myself, I‘ve noticed many players asking why they can‘t watch video ads to earn extra lives.

The short answer is that the video ad feature is still a test, so only some players have access while others don‘t. Keep reading as I share the inside scoop on this feature!

Why the Video Ad Test Feature is Restricted

According to King‘s 2021 Q4 earnings report, Candy Crush raked in a whopping $559 million in revenue that quarter alone.

As you can imagine, they carefully test new features that could undermine profits. Limiting free lives through videos maintains pressure to spend money on lives instead.

Based on Reddit threads and player complaints, the video ads don‘t seem very profitable. Players can watch up to 10-20 per day, severely limiting life purchases.

So King likely restricts access to balance profitability with retaining free players. The variability also allows them to experiment with eligibility criteria that drive optimum revenue.

But this lack of transparency around who gets ads and why frustrates players! As a fellow gamer, I get it.

Tips to Access Video Ads (If You‘re Lucky)!

While ads depend mostly on King‘s targeting, trying the following may trigger eligibility:

  • Update to latest Candy Crush version
  • Watch ads in King‘s other games
  • Contact King support to request access
  • Uninstall/reinstall Candy Crush
  • Change devices

However, out of 130 million players, King claims only "some" gain video access. So even doing all this gives no guarantees.

Alternate Ways to Get More Lives

If you still can‘t watch videos after trying the above tips, don‘t lose hope! You still have options:

MethodHow it WorksEstimate Lives Gained
Ask Friends for LivesConnect friends in-game to request lives. Max 5 friends so 1 life per friend1-5 lives
Purchase Life PacksSpend real money to buy packs of lives. Varies based on pack.5-20 lives
Change Device TimeSet device clock ahead to trick game. Awards 1 life per 30 mins elapsedVaries
Earn/Buy Gold BarsEarn gold bars through gameplay or friends. 75 gold bars buys 1 life. Can buy gold bars.1-5 lives

Paying still guarantees lives immediately. But trying the others gives more free alternatives!

The Future of Video Ads in Candy Crush

Will King ever unlock unlimited free video lives for all? Here‘s my gamer‘s perspective:

Unlikely for now – Video ads reduce profits from players purchasing lives. I expect limited availability as King experiments further.

Possible long-term – If evidence shows videos increase overall revenue despite reducing life purchases, King could roll out globally.

Unknown impacts – Changes may retain more free players, improving engagement and word-of-mouth marketing. But less paying players means less revenue. It‘s a tricky balance!

I‘ll be sure to share updates here if availability ever expands! So follow my blog for Candy Crush news.

Share Your Thoughts!

Have you gotten video lives in your game? Or have you tried everything with no luck? Vent your frustrations below! 👇‍ As a fellow passionate player, I understand the struggle and want to help!

So in summary, limited video ad availability comes down to profit management by King during this test phase. Stay tuned here as I report any new developments around this feature!

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