Why Can‘t My Sims Get Married in Sims 4?

For your Sims to get married in The Sims 4, there are two essential requirements that need to be met first:

1. Reach the "Soulmate" Relationship Level (Level 4)

Your Sim couple needs to actively develop their romantic relationship until they reach "Soulmate" status, which is the highest romance level in the game. This requires regularly having romantic socials, sleeping together, fulfilling each other‘s needs and going on dates.

2. Achieve Player Level 7

As the gamer, you need to play the game and gain experience points to reach level 7 before the marriage interactions unlock. This means actively pursuing aspirations, developing skills, careers etc.

Once those two core criteria are met, the Sims can then take the next step and get engaged!

Why Else Might Marriage Fail in Sims 4?

If your romantic Sims meet the above thresholds but still can‘t get married, here are the most common culprits:

Outdated Mods/Custom Content

Mods and CC content add so much to The Sims 4 experience but can cause havoc if not updated. For example, the popular UI Cheats Extension blocked proposals for many players until the creator released an update. Always check your mods are current!

Game Corruption and Bugs

Like any game, The Sims 4 may experience weird glitches that break certain interactions. Try resetting your Sims, saving and reloading the game, repairing game files or even reinstalling as a last resort.

Restrictive Game/Mod Settings

Double check your game and mod settings as sometimes unintended restrictions can block proposals. Disable settings like disallowing pregnancy, automatic aging options before testing.

Failure to Meet Requirements

This catches many players out! Be sure to use the relationship panel and XP bar to confirm your Sims have actually hit "Soulmate" status and you are player level 7+.

How to Troubleshoot Marriage Issues

If marriage is still failing in your game, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Use "resetsim" cheats on both Sims to reset status
  • Save and fully reload the game
  • Remove all mods/CC, test in a new save file
  • Repair your game through Origin/Steam
  • Check relationship levels of both Sims

I hope examining the most common marriage issues gives you some direction on how to troubleshoot the problem in your game! Let me know if any other questions come up.

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