Why Can‘t You Buy 80 Robux?

While Roblox offers various denominations of Robux for purchase, 80 Robux is not one of the available options. The minimum amount you can purchase directly is 85 Robux.

As a passionate gamer and Roblox expert, I often get asked why there‘s no option to buy exactly 80 Robux. Here‘s an overview of Roblox‘s pricing model and some insights into why certain denominations are offered over others.

Roblox‘s Pricing Structure

Roblox has structured their Robux pricing around tiers that encourage users to spend more, while keeping prices competitive. Here are the most common denominations available:

  • 80 Robux – Not offered
  • 85 Robux – $0.99
  • 170 Robux – $1.99
  • 400 Robux – $4.99
  • 800 Robux – $9.99

And so on up to larger bundles of a few thousand Robux.

The minimum of 85 Robux is priced attractively at just $0.99, encouraging new users to make their first purchase. Skipping straight to 80 Robux would allow more price-conscious users to spend less, reducing overall revenue.

The Psychology Behind Pricing

By carefully engineering their pricing tiers, Roblox compels users to spend just a little more for the next level up. This tactic is referred to as charm pricing. The awkward 85 Robux amount flies under the radar better than a round 100 Robux.

Additionally, pricing down to exact $1 or $5 amounts condition users to perceive bundles as good deals, even when the exchange rate isn‘t perfectly in their favor compared to larger packs.

Ultimately Roblox has strategically set prices to maximize revenue from all types of users. Offering an 80 Robux option would undermine parts of this pricing psychology.

Exceptions: Group Payouts & Codes

While users can‘t directly purchase 80 Robux, there are some exceptions where you may end up with this amount:

  • Group payouts from a game or group admin
  • Promotional codes for limited free Robux

For example, a group admin could choose to distribute funds unevenly, meaning you receive a random amount like 80 Robux.

Free promo codes can also award non-standard amounts. But these situations are less common than the default purchasing options.

Buying Advice: Get the Best Deal

My recommendation for getting the best value is to take advantage of one of Roblox‘s Premium monthly subscriptions. Here‘s a quick comparison:

1 Month Premium$4.99450
$10 Robux Card$10800

The premium subscription gets you significantly more Robux for your money compared to buying the currency outright!

So while 80 Robux isn‘t available directly, the tiered pricing strategy makes sense when Roblox‘s revenue model is considered more closely. Hopefully this gives some insight into the logic behind why we can‘t buy this odd amount – even though it seems harmless enough on the surface.

Let me know if you have any other Robux purchasing questions!

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