Why Ares and Athena Were Destined to Be Sworn Enemies

Among gamers and fans of Greek mythology, few rivalries generate more discussion and debate than the one between Ares and Athena. As the god and goddess embodying contrasting aspects of war, their hatred and conflicts were ordained.

At its core, Ares envied Athena‘s favor with their father Zeus. But overlapping domains, opposing tactics, humiliating defeats, and Athena‘s superior popularity also ensured these half-siblings would be destined to lock horns for eternity.

The Roots of Ares‘ Hatred

From the start, Zeus favored level-headed Athena over the more reckless Ares, praising his daughter‘s composed approach to war, wisdom and strategy. By contrast, he saw Ares as a loose cannon. This blatant preference gnawed at the war god‘s pride.

According to mythology experts, feeling robbed of the validation he desired, Ares channeled his frustration into despising Athena. Behaving rashly to provoke Zeus also risked driving the father figure further into Athena‘s corner.

So Athena‘s privileged position as Zeus‘ beloved child stands as the core root making Ares‘ hatred inevitable even before her birth. Her later victories over Ares only salted these simmering wounds.

Like Siblings, Like Rival Deities

As deities governing warfare, Athena and Ares were destined to bang heads. Athena represented:

  • Strategy, tactics, prudence
  • Defense, protection
  • Measured violence and bloodshed

By contrast, Ares embodied:

  • Chaos, turmoil, excess of war
  • Brutality, rage, mania
  • The primal thrill of killing

These diametrically opposed aspects ensured intense clashes over authority related to warriors, conquest and bloodshed were unavoidable. Both sought to spread influence in these realms between mortals and gods.


Like ferocious siblings fighting for control, both were determined to dominate war‘s narrative. Ares would never bow to Athena‘s restraint, while she saw him as everything wrong with war. Coexistence was impossible with both seeking total supremacy. Their father Zeus forcing them to share this space ensured endless feuds.

Humiliating Defeats That Fanned the Flames

During the legendary Trojan War, rivalry boiled over into outright violence between Ares and Athena…

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