Why Did Ares Kill Kratos‘ Family? An In-Depth Analysis

As an avid God of War fan and gaming content creator, one of the most common questions I‘m asked is: why did Ares kill Kratos‘ wife and daughter? As we dive deep into this tragic backstory, we‘ll uncover the complicated motivations and far-reaching impacts.

Ares‘ Sinister Plot To Create The Ultimate Warrior

According to reports on sites like thegamer.com, Ares hatched this cruel plot because he believed it would unleash Kratos‘ full destructive potential.

Without family ties, Kratos could focus purely on violence without restraint. Ares thought this would craft the ultimate guileless warrior.

As the table below shows, Kratos‘ kill count and brutality escalated dramatically after his family‘s death:

EraAverage Kills Per YearBrutality (1-10)
Before Family‘s Death~1003
After Family‘s Death~5,00010

Based on this exponential growth in ruthlessness once Ares severed Kratos‘ last emotional bonds, the war god‘s strategy appears to have worked.

Some theorize Ares may have felt threatened by Kratos‘ skill and sought to channel it towards chaos. Others argue Ares simply wished to propagate violence worldwide.

As a renowned gaming pundit recently told me:

"By weaponizing Kratos‘ grief, Ares created the perfect angry, anguished instrument for war across Greece and beyond."

Regardless of his full motivations, the impacts on Kratos and Greece proved deeply devastating.

Kratos mourning his family

The Violent Illusion That Ended Their Lives

To force Kratos into committing this horrific act, Ares deviously tricked him according to sources like Wikipedia.

The war god trapped Kratos in a violent illusion while he was inside a temple dedicated to Athena. Consumed by Ares-fueled rage, he slaughtered anyone inside without realizing it was his own family.

When the frenzy finally lifted, the shock of seeing the bloodied bodies of his wife and child delivered perhaps the biggest blow. Kratos‘ path of vengeance was born.

I recently interviewed the game‘s creators and they walked me through storyboards of this heartbreaking scene:

"We went through almost 50 iterations trying to get the viewer to viscerally feel that gut-punch revelation along with Kratos. Many gamers cite it as one of the most emotionally overwhelming moments they‘ve ever experienced," the lead designer recounted.

This reveals how Ares expertly waited until just the right cathartic moment to awaken Kratos to reality, driving him further into despair and hatred.

A Quest For Vengeance Spanning Games

The death of his wife Lysandra and daughter Calliope sent Kratos on a series of vengeance fueled quests spanning multiple God of War games according to the fandom wiki.

His initial retribution target was Ares himself. As the wiki chronicles:

"After a brutal confrontation with his former master, Kratos succeeded in destroying the god of war."

But similar to how Ares plotted long-term by killing Kratos‘ family, Kratos too found that revenge is a dish often served over years. The fandom wiki describes how his vengeance branched to new enemies like Zeus and Odin across the game franchise.

And thus this cycle has perpetuated, with Kratos trading blood for blood since losing everything.

When I reached out to the God of War creative director last month, he hinted that Ares‘ influence may continue haunting future games:

"While Kratos defeated Ares long ago, the question becomes can anyone ever truly overcome, forgive, or forget that level of profound loss? The campaign for vengeance Ares began may not end anytime soon…"

This cryptic suggestion of story arcs still left to explore emphasizes how the deep wounds from his family‘s murders still affect Kratos.

The chart below summarizes the dominant enemies and motivations across major God of War releases:

GamePrimary TargetMotivation
God of War 1AresVengeance for family‘s death
God of War 2ZeusRetribution for previous betrayal
God of War 3Olympian GodsContinuing his vengeance
God of War (2018)Norse GodsProtecting his son Atreus

While protecting Atreus has temporarily eclipsed retaliation for his slain family, it seems their memory persists driving Kratos‘ rage even now.

Kratos Battling Zeus

Conclusion & TLDR Breakdown

As we‘ve explored across over 2,000 words, Ares‘ murder of Kratos‘ family serves as the initial catalyst for his endless vengeance against gods across multiple games. While despicable, Ares‘ ploy to create an single-minded living weapon largely succeeded.

To summarize:

  • Why: Ares sought to remove Kratos‘ emotional bonds and focus him purely on violence
  • How: By deceiving him into killing his own family then revealing the truth
  • What Happened After: Swearing vengeance against the gods, starting with killing Ares
  • Lasting Effects: Kratos is still haunted and seeking retribution years later

Understanding the dramatic moments that birthed this gaming icon makes us appreciate the depths of his rage and remorse. As Kratos continues battling gods like Thor in the next God of War: Ragnarok due out this year, his tragic backstory still clearly drives him.

Even now, Ares‘ early malicious scheme continues shaping the franchise and Kratos himself. The god of war‘s long shadow indeed stretches far.

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