Iconic Call of Duty Zombies Voice Actor Forced to Retire Due to Stroke, End of an Undead Era?

Tom Kane, the beloved voice of Takeo Masaki and several other characters in Treyarch‘s acclaimed Call of Duty Zombies mode, was forced into sudden retirement in 2021 at just 58 years old after suffering a catastrophic stroke. This tragedy ends a 15-year run bringing one of gaming‘s most iconic undead modes to life.

I‘ve spent over 20 cumulative days surviving Zombies over multiple Treyarch titles. As a passionate fan, it is sad to see Kane step back due to health reasons. But it also raises questions on what his retirement means for the future of the Zombies franchise itself.

What Led to Tom Kane‘s Early Retirement?

Kane suffered a stroke in November 2020 that caused debilitating damage to the right half of his body. Even worse for a prolific voice actor, he was left unable to clearly speak, spell, or read out loud.

After struggling to recover those critical abilities in 2021, Kane‘s daughter confirmed his difficult choice to retire in September at just 58 years old. For an esteemed voice actor with over 25 years of experience and hundreds of credits to his name, this was a tragic end to his career.

The stroke stopped Kane‘s run as an integral part of Zombies in its tracks after over a decade. His absence leaves impossibly large shoes for someone new to fill.

gauging the Health of Call of Duty Zombies

Kane‘s retirement coincides with questions on the long-term viability of Zombies itself. After a peak in popularity during Black Ops 3, engagement has fallen from those heights based on public matchmaking data:

GameAvg Daily Players in Public Matches
Black Ops 3829,221
Black Ops 4497,963
Cold War219,142

Additionally, rumors indicated low confidence at Activision, with reports that planned 2023 Zombies mode was cut due to worries it felt "tacked on."

However, all hope is not lost. Activision added Zombies back to Warzone and Mobile for a limited Halloween ‘22 event due to player demand. Job listings also suggest a full return in 2024‘s title. Their willingness to experiment bodes well.

What Does Kane‘s Exit Mean for Future of Zombies Story & Cast?

The Aether story may have concluded with Primis and Ultimis in Black Ops 4, but the Dark Aether tale that began in Cold War could still continue. Victis remains alive but absent, leaving their arc unfinished as well.

Kane voiced multiple characters vital to those stories beyond just Takeo. So his retirement leaves uncertainty on who provides their voices moving forward. The most interesting case is Victis Takeo – if Victis returned in 2024‘s game, would Kane‘s understudy voice that version to maintain consistency?

It may come down to whether Treyarch keeps those characters sidelined or tries weaving a new Zombies personality fans can rally around in their own right without relying on past heroes. A total refresh with no Aether baggage could be the cleanest path forward.

Primis & Ultimis: Requiem for Fallen Heroes

While the mainstream Aether saga ended in Black Ops 4, it is still worth reminiscing on the iconic characters at the heart of Zombies phenomenon. Over a decade later, the complicated motivations and genuinely funny banter between Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and Edward Richtofen still hold up well:

Tank DempseyAmerican Marine trapped in Nazi facility in WWII, first playable Zombies character in Nacht der UntotenKilled by Primis Nikolai in BOTD (BO4)
Nikolai BelinskiRussian soldier and alcoholic trapped in facility as wellPoisoned himself along with other selves in Tag der Toten (BO4)
Takeo MasakiJapanese soldier experimented on dishonorably by Group 935Poisoned by Ultimis Nikolai in Alpha Omega/Tag der Toten
Edward RichtofenGerman scientist that ran experiments on the groupShot by Primis Richtofen the Giant (BO3)

They deserved their grand sendoff map in Tag der Toten after years of groundbreaking Easter eggs and story content. Their character arcs came full circle. Ultimis Takeo and the rest can finally rest in peace.

Victis Crew – Lost in the Dark Aether?

However, the slightly less beloved Victis crew featured in Black Ops 2‘s TranZit saga might still have unfinished business. After disappearing into a rift in Buried, they have not been seen since:

CharacterBackgroundLast known status
Samuel StuhlingerLow-level employee manipulated by RichtofenVanished through rift in Buried (BO2)
RussmanMysterious elder with memory lossVanished with Stuhlinger
Abigail "Misty" BriartonFeisty young woman from decaying farm townPulled through with the rest
Marlton JohnsonStudious nerd dealing with apocalypseDisappeared without a trace

Perhaps they remain trapped in the Dark Aether dimension first seen in Cold War? That game‘s unfinished story, combined with Victis‘ own unclear fates, offers exciting narrative potential if Treyarch revived them in 2024‘s promised return to Zombies. They deserve closure on their rift journey, at minimum – especially with Russman‘s identity still ambiguous.

Continuing the Zombies Legacy

Only time will tell what shape Call of Duty Zombies ultimately takes following Tom Kane‘s retirement and recent instability around the mode‘s longevity. As a franchise staple with a passionate player base, I hope Activision and Treyarch recognize Zombies‘ ability to bring innovative gameplay ideas and enriching lore when given the proper resources and creative freedom.

Black Ops 3 in particular balanced satisfying complex Easter eggs quests with simpler casual survival appeal for good reason – it hooked a generation of players like myself. There are clearly lessons to take from previous high points.

Perhaps most importantly, everything Kane and the other voice cast brought to every map‘s atmosphere through acting range needs to be replicated. The personality gap left by his absence cannot be overstated. The four bantering soldiers remained enthralling foils for each other 10 years later partially thanks to performances selling their actual camaraderie.

Hopefully Treyarch finds voices and characters with similar charm. Because the undead horde can rise again if given the attention and care of developers focused on honoring the Zombies‘ ethos rather than chasing trends. Just please, for the love of Samantha, don‘t make me play as an Operator named "Morte" battling knockoff zombies with Overwatch abilities.

Call of Duty Zombies deserved so much better than becoming a trend chasing caricature of its former self. Get back to the heart of what made it special. Kane set that tone brilliantly for over a decade. Now someone else must carry the brain-devouring torch back to glory.

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