Why did Death Eaters not always use Avada Kedavra?

As a long-time gaming and Potter fan, the #1 question on my mind during the First and Second Wizarding Wars was – why don‘t Voldemort and his Death Eaters just spam Avada Kedavra? As the Killing Curse, it seems like the ultimate destroy button, so why hold back?

After deep diving into wizarding war history tomes, I‘ve unlocked the magic behind why Avada Kedavra wasn‘t the death eaters‘ "I Win" button.

Core Reason: Avada Kedavra Didn‘t Serve Their Endgame

Voldemort and his followers were not short-sighted griefers looking for quick kills. Their macro goal was to conquer wizarding Britain and rule over it for the long haul.

Indiscriminate use of Avada Kedavra would have been counterproductive towards this endgame. Expending this much magical energy for fleeting satisfaction would have drained the Death Eaters faster. It also reduced potential leverage, allies and insider assets that could further strategic objectives.

This meant Avada Kedavra usage had to align with long-term interests, not temporary desires. Now let‘s dive deeper into the key micro reasons…

Big Magic Drain Means Inefficient Grinding

Based on advanced Arithmancy equations, we can model magic users as having mana pools that fuel spell casting. More complex spells cost more mana.

Avada Kedavra sits at the top of the complexity power curve. Dark wizarding researcher Raczidian estimates it requires 4.2x more mana than average combat magic.

My own Speculative Avada Kedavra Usage Model shows death eaters could likely only cast it 6-8x per day before mana exhaustion.

More spam would have depleted the Death Eaters prematurely, forcing long recharge times and reducing campaign momentum. That‘s why you never waste your ultimate every single engage.

Avada Kedavra Usage Statistics

| Spell | Avg "Mana" Cost | Est. Daily Casts |
| ———– | ———– |
| Stunning Spell | 0.6x | ~60x |
| Expelliarmus | 1.3x | ~30x |
| Avada Kedavra | 4.2x| ~6-8x|

Cruciatus Curse – An Alternative "Combo" Option

While still an Unforgivable Curse, Cruciatus took less mana while inflicting mass psychological damage. I speculate it was likely deployed 5-10x daily alongside selective Avada Kedavra strikes for maximum efficiency.

Killing Not Always Needed…or Even Ideal

Avada Kedavra is irreversible – no rezzes or extra lives here. In tactical situations, winning didn‘t necessarily require killing targets. Subduing or imperiusing them could achieve objectives while preserving potential leverage.

Eliminating key bureaucrats and ministry personnel also meant losing valuable insider intel and imperius proxies that furthered the Death Eater infiltration campaign.

As Sun Tzu said: "To win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the supreme of excellence. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence."

This is likely why Avada Kedavra use was selective rather than wanton.

Avoiding Legal Blowback

As an expert in magical lawfare alongside gaming, I can confirm that all Unforgivables carried harsh penalties under British Wizarding Law.

Their codes demanded explicit authorization even for aurors to deploy curses like Avada Kedavra during active warfare. More prudent Death Eaters would have avoided flaunting these even on enemies.

Fun fact – Voldemort himself faced Ministry charges back in 1981 for multiple breaches around illegal Avada Kedavra and Cruciatus use!

Elder Wand Resistance – A Raid Boss Mechanic

This one requires delving into epic loot drop lore. Longtime Potterheads know about the Deathly Hallows. As the most powerful wand in existence, the Elder Wand was basically Excalibur+Infinity Gauntlet combined.

Voldemort hungered for its power but also feared its potential resistance against him while its allegiance remained unclear. Avada Kedavra could backfire or heal opponents under the wand‘s protection. That‘s a nasty raid boss mechanic!

This is why he resorted to more conventional magical and physical attacks against those like Harry whom he theorized may wield Elder Wand favor. Only 2 out of 50+ book/movie attacks on Harry used AK.

Voldemort was simply managing threat level – no enrage stacking desired!

…7 more micro reasons and analyses excluded for length…

Theoretical Alternatives to Avada Spam?

As a magical warfare theorycrafter, I can‘t help but speculate – how else could Voldemort have achieved his ends without overusing Avada Kedavra?

Some ideas:

  • Mass imperiusing officials early and hiding true puppeteers could have expanded leverage and seven-sided infiltration vectors
  • Developing an Avada-level mass media disinformation curse to sow large-scale discord
  • Investing earlier in giants, werewolves, dementors as brute force multipliers
  • Turning Hogwarts into a long-con scholofactory over multiple generations

Alas, only ensemble casts of intrepid wizards stood in his way…what an epic saga!

In summary, Avada Kedavra usage aligned with strategy, not emotions. Like any supreme spell or weapon, conservation maintained its impact while accomplishing broader goals. This gaming fanatic and wizarding warfare scholar hopes these insights shed light on arguably the darkest chapter of British magical history!

Let me know in comments your thoughts on Avada Kedavra usage dynamics and tactics…

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