Why Did Kitana Turn Evil?

Kitana turned evil when she was resurrected as a revenant by the sorcerer Quan Chi after being killed defending Earthrealm. Quan Chi‘s dark magic corrupted her soul, binding her to servitude in the Netherrealm and stripping away her free will – transforming the once noble princess into a ruthless killer.

As an iconic character in the Mortal Kombat franchise, Kitana has a rich history that shaped her downfall. Let‘s explore her origins, her rebellion against her adoptive father Shao Kahn, and how Quan Chi ensured her revival came with a cruel twist.

Kitana‘s Early Life and Upbringing in Outworld

Kitana was born over 10,000 years ago to King Jerrod and Queen Sindel in the realm of Edenia. As an infant, she was taken after Shao Kahn invaded and murdered her father, then forced her mother into marriage.

Kitana‘s Vital Stats
First AppearanceMortal Kombat II (1993)
Created ByJohn Tobias
Height5‘ 9"
Weight128 lbs
AgeOver 10,000 years old
SpeciesEdenian (human)

Table showing key stats for Kitana from the games

Raised believing Shao Kahn was her real father, Kitana grew up an assassin loyal to him for millennia while he continued conquering other realms. She served as his personal enforcer and leader of his all-female combat unit alongside her best friend Jade.

Game creator John Tobias intended Kitana as an homage to iconic female ninja characters like Yoshimoto from 1983‘s Kage no Gundan series in Japan. Her costumes incorporated regal Edenian elements with savage Tarkatan warrior influences befitting her role.

So despite being raised under lies in Outworld, Kitana exhibited nobility as she matured – foreshadowing her eventual rebellion.

Kitana Rebels Against Shao Kahn

The events that finally turned Kitana against Shao Kahn involved both revelations about her true past and jealousy towards her "sister" Mileena.

Mileena was created through sorcery and genetic experimentation as a disfigured clone mixed from Kitana‘s essence and Tarkatan DNA. Kahn hoped Mileena could serve him better as a replacement for the increasingly recalcitrant Kitana.

"Her eyes burn with a frightening gleam and the bone-chilling snarl she unleashes as she tears off her mask reveals teeth as sharp as daggers."
   - *Mileena‘s official character bio from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1995)* 

Further discoveries that Kahn murdered her real father and stole Edenia enraged Kitana. After 10,000 years of loyal if reluctant service, she finally turned against him and allied with mortal enemies like the Earthrealm warrior Liu Kang.

During Kahn‘s invasion of Earthrealm, Kitana fought for her new allies. But she met a tragic end, dying in battle at Kahn‘s hands as he defeated Raiden and Earth‘s heroes. In death, Kitana‘s soul belonged to whomever claimed it first…

Quan Chi Resurrects Kitana as His Evil Servant

The ever-opportunist sorcerer Quan Chi already planned to assist fallen Elder God Shinnok in another attempt to take Earthrealm. He claimed Kitana‘s soul immediately upon her death and transported it safely back through a Soulnado to his Netherrealm lair.

There, Quan Chi corrupted and resurrected Kitana – giving her a second life as one of his undead revenants. Still lethal, now her impressive combat abilities were bound to Quan Chi‘s will through his thaumaturgy and the twisted magic of the Netherrealm.

"The process of creating a revenant is more involved than simply reanimating a corpse. Powerful spells preserve the memory and fighting skills of the soul while dissolving all traces of their personality."
   - *In-game reveal from Mortal Kombat X mobile*

Kitana retained her memories but lost her nobility and self-control. No longer motivated by justice or duty, only Quan Chi‘s cruel bidding remained along with a hatred of her old allies in Earthrealm. She became just another powerful pawn among Quan Chi‘s growing revenant ranks.

Now little more than a lethal, walking corpse stripped of free will – this twisted undead version of Kitana was truly evil thanks to Quan Chi‘s manipulations.

The Fan Favorite Turned Femme Fatale Villain

So through jealousy, tragedy, betrayal and dark magic, the beloved princess Kitana transformed into something cruel and vengeful. Once the deadly but loyal stepdaughter of Shao Kahn fighting in skimpy blue ninja garb – now an inhuman revenant cloaked in vile Netherrealm energy with eyes burning red like rage incarnate.

Diehard Mortal Kombat fans shed tears when Kitana died defending Earthrealm. And many more despaired upon seeing the former heroine revived only to embody true villainy thanks to Quan Chi.

But evil or not, Kitana has remained a fan favorite fighter since her iconic introduction decades ago. Let‘s hope her soul eventually finds redemption and peace from such sinister fates!

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