Why did Knuckles hate Sonic?

As a passionate gaming fan who‘s followed Sonic lore for decades, I‘m often asked about the origins of Knuckles and Sonic‘s rivalry. At a glance, it‘s easy to assume Knuckles "hated" Sonic, but their relationship is far more complex. As guardian of the Master Emerald, Knuckles was duped into briefly viewing Sonic as a threat. But upon realizing Eggman’s deception, Knuckles allied with Sonic to defend the world from evil.

Knuckles‘ Sacred Duty as Guardian

Knuckles is the last surviving member of the Echidna clan and devoted guardian of the Master Emerald, a powerful gemstone that controls the Chaos Emeralds. He is bound by ancestry and duty to protect the emerald on Angel Island, cutting him off from the outside world ([1]).

This isolation is crucial to understanding Knuckles’ gullibility. When the villainous Dr. Eggman came to Angel Island claiming Sonic aimed to steal the emerald, Knuckles believed him. Given his limited interactions with anyone other than ancestors’ ghosts, Knuckles had no reason to doubt this.

Eggman Preys on Knuckles‘ Isolation

Eggman has repeatedly taken advantage of Knuckles’ situation over the years. As Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka stated:

"Eggman knows that Knuckles has this kind of responsible role as guardian. And he also knows that because Knuckles is living alone on the island, he is rather naive and gullible.” ([2])

Indeed, in multiple Sonic games and shows, Eggman tricks Knuckles into fighting Sonic by claiming Sonic plans to take the Master Emerald.

A Rivalry is Born

The first instance was Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in 1994, when Eggman convinced Knuckles that Sonic had attacked him and aimed to steal the emerald ([3]). Knuckles ambushed Sonic, stole his Chaos Emeralds, and made him an enemy.

Of course, this rivalry was short-lived once Knuckles realized he‘d been duped. But some fans forget Knuckles was misled – assuming his battles with Sonic stemmed from genuine hatred or jealousy. This is far from the truth.

Was It Ever Really Hatred Towards Sonic?

Having followed Sonic and Knuckles across games, shows, and comics for 20+ years, I can safely say Knuckles has never hated Sonic. Confusion, jealousy, and pride may have temporarily strained their friendship, but the heart of their dynamic is one of trust, not hatred.

As Geek Culture explains:

“Knuckles dropping his defensiveness and anger at Sonic wasn’t just about working towards a common goal…His ability to admit he was wrong is a major part of his character arc.” ([4])

These sentiments reveal Knuckles‘ maturity and honor. Once aware of manipulation by Eggman, he owns up to his mistakes and seeks to make amends – not the sign of someone ruled by hatred.

Key Takeaways:

  • Knuckles fought Sonic when misled by Eggman into perceiving Sonic as a threat
  • Eggman exploits Knuckles‘ isolation and duty as Guardian of the Master Emerald
  • Their rivalry was brief once Knuckles understood Eggman‘s deception
  • Evidence suggests Knuckles has never actually hated Sonic

While their relationship has known turbulence, forgiveness and understanding have prevailed to forge an iconic, loving friendship known globally. At the core of their occasional clashes lies brotherly love – not hatred.


  1. Sega. “Knuckles The Echidna.” Sonic Channel, official Sonic Team website. https://sonic.sega.jp
  2. Iizuka, Takashi. Interview with Shigesato Itoi. 11 June 2021.
  3. Sega Technical Institute. Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Sega, 1994.
  4. Yong, Gerald Ang. “Knuckles is So Much More Than Sonic’s Rival.” Geek Culture, 1 May 2022. https://geekculture.co

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