Why Kratos Freed Mimir By Literally Axing Him in the Neck

As a longtime God of War fan, I was shocked when Kratos first met the legendary Mimir in the latest game by promptly chopping his head off. What could drive Kratos to such a brutal act after his vow to control his rage? After playing through this incredible game multiple times, I now understand that this startling choice revealed new dimensions to both characters.

Kratos Freed Mimir from Endless Torture by Odin

While shocking, Kratos chopping off Mimir‘s head turned out to be an act of mercy. Mimir revealed that Odin had imprisoned him on the highest mountain in Midgard, binding him to an indestructible tree for over a century.

"I‘ve had plenty of time to reflect on my actions and regret the missteps I took with Odin. That bastard‘s gotten what he wanted out of me, and yet I remain trapped here." – Mimir

Odin ruthlessly tortured Mimir for refusing to participate in his most ruthless plans against the giants and other realms. By liberating Mimir‘s head, Kratos gave him mobility and agency again while gaining an invaluable advisor for his journey.

What Drove Odin to Imprison and Torture One of His Closest Advisors?

As the Norse realms most wise and knowledgeable resident, Mimir initially embraced advising Odin. But over the years, Odin grew power hungry and increasingly unstable as he sought any advantage against prophecized threats to his rule.

"Odin‘s obsession brought only misery to everyone close to him. In the end, I could stand it no longer and refused to continue aiding him."

With his uncanny gift of foresight, Mimir likely recognized that Odin had gone too far in his ruthlessness. After refusing to help Odin attack the giants, Odin punished Mimir as an example to others of the consequences of defiance.

Cutting Off Mimir‘s Head Showed Kratos‘ Growing Compassion

Rather than disgust at Mimir‘s decapitated but still living head, Kratos showed unexpected empathy upon hearing his suffering. He may respect bold self-sacrifice, having gone through excruciating trials himself to protect his family.

CharacterRoleHistory With Kratos
MimirAdvisor/NavigatorInitial distrust to mutual respect
AtreusKratos‘ sonStrained to strongly bonded
FreyaFormer ally turned enemyPast partnership to hatred

In my own [[God of War]] playthroughs, I found Kratos‘ complex relationship with Mimir one of the most compelling new dynamics. Despite Kratos coldly axing him upon introduction, over their journey, Mimir‘s affable charm and sage advice gradually earns Kratos hard-won trust.

Could Mimir Return As An Unlikely Ally Against Odin?

In releasing Mimir from captivity, Kratos gained a powerful inside source on Odin and Norse mythology. Looking ahead, I predict Mimir will continue advising Kratos on exploiting Odin‘s weaknesses in their fated showdown. Few know Odin better, giving Mimir extra motivation to help take him down.

Based on Mimir‘s central role and bond with Kratos so far, I‘d bet upgrading his mysticalCapabilities will be a key upgrade path in the next game. Imagine combining Mimir‘s magical sight with the Leviathan Axe for new combat moves!

Conclusion: Understanding Grows Between Kratos and Mimir

While shocking to newcomers, Kratos freeing Mimir from endless torture shows character growth over past games focused solely on vengeance. Despite their violent introduction, each has gained new respect for the other.

As Kratos himself notes after an early conversation:

"I thought you did not like gods?"

"I do not. But he is not a god. He is a giant. Smartest man alive, he says."

Their mutual disdain for tyrannical gods like Odin gives them surprising common ground. Over the course of this latest game, through their cynicism shines an understanding neither expected.

Going forward, I predict both outcasts will play integral roles in the final showdown with Asgard‘s warmongering ruler. Kratos‘ compassion may grow just enough to convince wayward gods like Tyr to fight alongside him against their former kin. Ragnarok awaits!

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