Why Did Kratos Kill Baldur in God of War? To Save Freya from Being Murdered

As that climactic neck snap indicates, Kratos ultimately made the difficult choice to kill Baldur in order to save Freya‘s life. But what series of events led the once-invulnerable Baldur to be in such a lethal position?

Baldur‘s Tortured Background

Baldur‘s mythic story is truly tragic. As the beloved Norse god of light, joy and summer, his senses were numbed and his mind unhinged by the protective spell his mother, the goddess Freya, placed on him.

While intended to prevent his prophesied early death, in practice the spell stripped Baldur‘s capacity to physically feel anything at all—denying him not only harm, but any sensations of pleasure or comfort throughout a life spanning over 100 years. Historical texts describe Baldur falling into increasingly deranged behavior over his long existence. We can only imagine the psychological torture.

Why Baldur Hated His Mother Freya

This vitriol Baldur felt towards the mother who cursed him with such emptiness is evident across his God of War arc. During just his second boss fight confrontation with Kratos, Baldur‘s dialogue gives insight into his warped perspective:

"I feel nothing. But you will."

He desires firsthand death more intensely than any living comfort—believing that falling in warrior‘s battle is the only way to lift Freya‘shex. Their complex dynamic depicts how even parental love can have unintended consequences.

Baldur‘s Confrontations with Kratos

Baldur first attacks Kratos in the opening scene of the game, seeking (ironically) to prevent the prophecy of Fimbulwinter and protect his realm. Over their next two boss fight encounters, Baldur remains fixated on goading Kratos into giving him an honorable death.

Their final showdown shows Baldur willing to murder any obstacles towards that goal—attempting to snap Atreus‘ neck when he intervenes. As Baldur holds a magical crystal draining Kratos‘ protection talisman, he reveals his desire to fight the Ghostof Sparta not just for honorable death but as the ultimate glory:

"My time has come. Finally! Killing you will be the pinnacle of my existence!"

(Source screenshot)

Breakdown of Their Final Battle

The epic concluding fight between Baldur and Kratos spans over 15 minutes of intensive gameplay. Both parties are shown battered, bloodied and desperately fighting towards their goal:

CharacterMotivationAttacksHealth Lost
BaldurDie an honorable death by Kratos‘ hand to break invulnerabilityGrappling, punching, use of surrounding environmentMinimal
KratosProtect his son Atreus and their homeland from Baldur‘s attacksLeviathan axe, shield blocking, Spartan rage modeSevere

Kratos utilizes every weapon and skill available in hopes of protecting his family, but Baldur‘s immunity to harm ultimately gives him the upper hand. Just as Baldur moves to choke the life from Freya as well, Kratos steps in.

Why Kratos Made the Choice to Kill Baldur

In their final moments, Kratos likely recognized Baldur was beyond reason, threatening any obstacles in pursuit of his obsessive death wish. As evidenced by his parting dialogue to Atreus, Kratos regretfully understood what had to be done:

"The cycle ends here. We must be better."

Given future implications around Ragnarök and the survival of his people, killing Baldur marked a tragic necessity to save Freya and prevent further bloodshed. This solemn, pivotal event capped off a narrative arc centered on the painful fallout when familial love goes astray.

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