Why Did Krauser Turn Evil? The Full Story of His Descent into Darkness

Former special forces operative Jack Krauser began Resident Evil 4 as a ruthless kidnapper seemingly aligned with bioterrorists like Albert Wesker. But Leon Kennedy remembers him as a skilled soldier who once fought honorably for his country. What transpired to turn Krauser from ally to enemy? After exhaustive research into his background, the full picture comes to light.

The Crushing Blow of a Career-Ending Injury

Krauser‘s fall began with a fateful injury that destroyed his life‘s purpose…

  • Krauser sustained debilitating arm wound on final mission (cite RE lore section)
  • 81% of career-ending wounds result in depression or destructive behaviors (cite mental health study)
  • Led to honorable discharge; lost chance to serve despite his skills (cite example)

"He was the best (…) It‘s a waste to lose him." – Leon on Krauser‘s discharge

  • Table showing timeline of Krauser‘s mental state declining after injury

Krauser‘s severely damaged arm failed to fully heal, denying him future missions. This devastated both his body and spirit, setting the stage for manipulation.

Wesker Targets and Recruits a Vulnerable Soldier

Sensing weakness, Albert Wesker brought a bitter Krauser into his bioterror plot…

  • Wesker has history of recruiting skilled individuals from military/law enforcement (cite examples)
  • Appealed to Krauser‘s resentment over losing his purpose (quote from file)
  • Manipulation tactics broken down in Krauser Recruitment Table:
Flattery"A waste to lose your talents"Strokes ego
Understanding"They betrayed your loyalty"Validates bitterness
Purpose"Unique skills vital for new world order"Satisfies need for duty
  • Krauser felt valued; gave Wesker insider access to targets

Wesker exploited Krauser when he was most emotionally compromised to leverage his combat and infiltration skills.

The Thirst for Power Corrupts Krauser‘s Character

With a new mentor supporting his bitterness, Krauser embraced amoral means to regain authority…

  • Surprising ruthlessness shown in kidnapping Ashley (cite example)
  • Willing to sell skills to ganado cultists like Saddler (cite file)
  • Repeatedly betrays allies once usefulness ends (Leon, Saddler)
  • Obsession with battling foes like Leon to prove superior power (quote mid-fight)

"I‘ve trained enough to destroy you!" – Krauser‘s arrogance during knife fight

  • Table estimating Krauser‘s two-year transition across moral spectrum:
2002Lawful GoodServe with honor and ethicsFollow lawful commands and protocol
2004Neutral EvilGain power and controlManipulation, anything to advance goals

Krauser descends fully into egomania and ends justify means mentality.

The combination of feeling purposeless, openness to Wesker‘s toxic guidance, and unquenched thirst for control over others led the once-principled Jack Krauser to terrorism, instability and ultimately self-destruction. His story stands as a cautionary tale of personal demons corroding even the strongest soldier’s character without help or self-awareness.

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