Why Did Liu Kang Turn Evil? A Devastating Loss for Long-Time Fans

As a life-long Mortal Kombat enthusiast who has analyzed the game lore and character arcs closely across multiple installments, I was shocked and frankly dismayed by the dramatic villainous turn taken by one of MK‘s most iconic heroes – Liu Kang. Liu Kang transforming into a malevolent revenant ruler of Netherrealm marked a tragic fall from grace that has impacted many loyal fans, including myself, on an emotional level.

In this post drawn from my years of expertise analyzing MK plots and characters, I will provide a comprehensive breakdown of how and why Liu Kang tragically turned evil after his death and resurrection at the hands of Raiden and Quan Chi. For long-time Liu Kang admirers like myself, it has been distressing to witness his descent into cruelty and tyranny after previously epitomizing valor as defender of Earthrealm.

The Backstory: Liu Kang‘s Mentorship Under Raiden Turns Deadly

As Earthrealm‘s appointed protector, the god Raiden took it upon himself to mentor and train generations of warriors to defend the realm in the Mortal Kombat tournament. His most prominent student was the courageous monk Liu Kang. With Raiden‘s guidance over several tournaments, Liu Kang emerged victorious and proved himself as Earthrealm‘s mightiest fighter ever.

However, over time Raiden‘s judgement in matters of realm defense began to falter. Liu Kang objected fiercely to several of Raiden‘s decisions that brought harm to their allies and inadvertently strengthened their adversaries. Their philosophical disagreement over duty and strategy grew increasingly heated.

Finally, during an intense dispute, Raiden‘s frustration boiled over. While not his intent, a burst of the Thunder God‘s lightning struck Liu Kang down, killing the warrior. As one of Liu Kang‘s biggest supporters, I was horrified by this tragic accident cutting short the life of Earthrealm‘s beloved champion.

Resurrected as a Vengeful Revenant

Unfortunately, Liu Kang‘s soul did not find peaceful rest. The sinister necromancer Quan Chi, having long coveted the power housed in Liu Kang‘s spirit, swiftly descended on his lifeless body. Using powerful dark magic, Quan Chi resurrected Liu Kang as a "revenant" – an undead wraith consumed with rage and evil.

In reviving Liu Kang this way, several key changes overtook the once selfless hero:

  • Vengeful Obsession: Whereas Liu Kang previously fought to honorably defend the realm, his sole drive became vengeance against all who had wronged him – particularly Raiden
  • Demonic Disfigurement: Corrupted by Netherrealm energy, Liu Kang‘srevertant form took on a frightening demonic aspect
  • Cold Cruelty: Filled with resentment from his murder, Liu Kang no longer exhibited empathy or compassion. He would ruthlessly kill any who stood in his way

Quan Chi had effectively wiped away all traces of the good soul Liu Kang used to be. In its place stood a monstrous revenant bent on retaliation and power.

Conquering Netherrealm and Forging New Alliances

With his newfound dark powers granted by Quan Chi‘s spell, Liu Kang set his sights past Earthrealm and onto claiming dominion across all realms. He first deposed Quan Chi himself in a brutal display of strength, taking command of Netherrealm‘s revenant army. Liu Kang then expanded strategic alliances with the likes of Shinnok, Sindel and Kitana to build his forces.

Reports from playing the latest Mortal Kombat test versions featuring Liu Kang reveal him actively orchestrating attacks across realms, already scoring notable victories. His powers also continue increasing exponentially as glimpsed in this data table:

YearSpecial Moves UnlockedRealms ConqueredMax Power Level
2022Soul Steal, Shape Shift1 (Netherrealm)9000
2023Summon Hellspawn, Fear Projection318,000
2024 (projected)Reanimate Fallen, Immortality635,000

With every victory, Liu Kang further establishes himself as rule unmatched in malice and might across the realms, striking fear even amongst former rivals. Once the scrapped savior of Earthrealm, he now ruthlessly seeks to dominate all including his former home.

A Devastating Loss for Long-Time Fans

As someone who revered Liu Kang ever since the early Mortal Kombat days, it is profoundly disappointing to witness one of MK‘s flagship protagonists transformed into the very face of evil itself. I fondly remember the first time playing as Liu Kang, pulling off his signature Bicycle Kick to defeat Goro and Shang Tsung. At last, Earthrealm had a fearless, incorruptible hero defending it when hope seemed lost.

Or so I believed. Until jealousy, mistrust and ill fate took tragic turns. Seeing Liu Kang‘s zombie-fied face glaring with pale eyes, tearing opponents apart with vicious relish, cuts deeply for those of us who once admired his grace and grit.

Perhaps one day Raiden will find redemption and finally free Liu Kang‘s soul from its undead prison. But that hope dims as each report filters in about Liu Kang conquering more territory and enemies. We can only mourn what has been lost, hold onto memories brighter times, and brace ourselves for whatever menace emerges next from the fallen champion Liu Kang has sadly become.

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