Why did Louie kiss Franklin? Exploring theories from Snowfall

As an avid viewer and fan of the hit show Snowfall, the moment when Louie kissed Franklin in season 5 episode 8 left many fans shocked and searching for answers. At first glance, the kiss seems to signify Louie‘s betrayal of Franklin, similar to the iconic kiss of death scene in The Godfather Part II. However, there may be more complexity behind this moment based on their history together. In this article, I‘ll analyze some theories behind the meaning of Louie and Franklin‘s kiss.

The Judas Kiss Theory

Many viewers saw Louie‘s kiss as a parallel to when Fredo kissed Michael Corleone in The Godfather II, essentially exposing himself as a traitor despite their family ties. Similarly, Louie had recently gone behind Franklin‘s back despite being his trusted aunt and right hand advisor. She instructed Buckley not to pull the trigger on Franklin, saying she would kill Franklin herself if necessary.

This enraged Franklin and kicked off a revenge spree against Louie‘s allies. So the kiss could have been Louie‘s way of exposing herself as Franklin‘s betrayer, leading to the chaos that followed. This seems to be the predominant theory held by fans online.

Secret Love Theory

However, perhaps there is more complexity and history behind Louie and Franklin‘s relationship. Some wonder if Louie had secret romantic feelings or intentions towards Franklin this whole time. As his aunt, these feelings would be taboo and never able to materialize.

The kiss may have been her way of expressing her true emotions in what she knew could be their final moment together. While less discussed, this would add an extra tragic element if true.

Long Goodbye Theory

Finally, the kiss may have simply been Louie‘s way of saying goodbye to someone she loved, knowing a war was about to erupt between them. Despite her recent actions against him, Franklin was like a nephew to Louie.

The kiss represented a final bittersweet moment between the two before the chaos ensued. While a betrayal, Louie may have still wrestled with her love for Franklin in conflict with her own ambitions.


Ultimately, only the writers behind Snowfall know the real motivations behind this pivotal kiss. But half the fun as engaged viewers is developing our own theories about the rich relationships and motivations between characters. I‘d love to hear other fans‘ take on this moment and the intrigue it brings as we await the next season. Whether a heartbreaking betrayal or sign of secret love, the kiss between Louie and Franklin is a scene that will live on in Snowfall history.

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