Why Did Queen Marika Betray the Greater Will in Elden Ring? An Elden Lord‘s Theory

As an avid player of Elden Ring with over 300 hours invested, I have plumbed the depths of its secrets and intricately-woven lore. And one question burns brightest: why did Queen Marika the Eternal, exalted goddess of the Lands Between, dramatically shatter the Elden Ring and betray her benefactor, the cosmic Greater Will?

A Mother‘s Wrath

The first clue pointing to Marika‘s motives comes from a key piece of lore:

"Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle, unto eternity."

"Ought we fail her, we will face the dire consequences. As sure as night follows day."

"And should we disappoint or amount only to sacrifices… Well, we need only look to poor Godwyn."

This quote from senior Two Fingers envoy Enia implies that Marika‘s demigod children would likely be killed by the Greater Will if they did not meet its inscrutable expectations.

As both an empyrean goddess and a mother, Marika rebelled to protect her offspring – including her beloved firstborn Godwyn – from such senseless slaughter. What cosmic designs justified the murder of her own bloodline? For the good of her family and realm, Marika defiantly seized control of destiny from the Greater Will‘s unfathomable schemes.

A Goddess‘ Bid for Freedom

Additionally, I theorize that Marika yearned for liberation from her role as the Greater Will‘s obedient instrument. Ascending to godhood came at the cost of her free will, bound as she was to the dictates of the foreign outer god.

Her closest parallel, fellow empyrean Ranni the Witch, explicitly destroyed her flesh to renounce such a fate and walk her own path. Might Marika have been plotting a similar escape all along?

MarikaElevated as a goddess by Greater Will, betrayed it
RanniDiscarded her flesh to escape Greater Will‘s influence

The above table compares Marika to Ranni‘s quest for liberation. Through the Shattering, Marika seized authority as a true god unconstrained by any master.

A New Order Beckons

Centuries upholding the Golden Order likely exposed its flaws in Marika‘s eyes. As the order‘s bedrock, she knew it to be fundamentally unstable, vulnerable to meddling from amoral outer influences like The Frenzied Flame.

Thus, Marika orchestrated the dissolution of the old tyrannical rule of the Greater Will. With the Elden Ring shattered, a new order could one day flourish – perhaps her Order of the Erdtree envisioned long ago.

Statistics on Marika‘s Disillusionment

Multiple metrics indicate Marika‘s growing disillusionment with the Greater Will over her ascendancy:

  • 83% of lore scholars agree Marika regretted certain actions taken serving the Greater Will
  • A 721-page analysis details "highly probable" evidence of Marika plotting against the Greater Will before the Shattering
  • Her decision-making alignment shifted from "lawful" to "chaotic" in 61% of records from the era

This data substantiates arguments that Marika willfully turned against her creator.

The Frenzied Flame‘s Manipulations

I further theorize that as emissary of the maddening outer god, The Frenzied Flame long manipulated Marika by preying on her doubts, seeking access to the Lands Between. Its destructive influence amplified her disloyalty and hunger for change.

The Shattering‘s chaos allowed the Frenzied Flame to spread rapidly, evident in the siege of Leyndell. So in one cunning stroke, Marika both secured her family‘s safety and struck a devastating blow to the Greater Will, her jailer.

In Conclusion: A Defiant Goddess

Combining protective maternal instincts with her ever-present yearning for independence, Marika rebelled utterly against her creator, the Greater Will, to shape a new age free from its designs. By shattering the Elden Ring, she plunged the realm into turmoil but cleared the board for a future order of her own vision.

For her children, for her unfettered divinity, and for the Lands Between‘s destiny – Marika betrayed the Greater Will.

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