Why did Miranda‘s power leave her?

Mother Miranda‘s sole motivation for centuries was reviving her beloved daughter Eva. But after meticulously planning the ceremonial ritual to bring her back, Miranda was horrified to realize her powers had abandoned her at the critical moment. What tragic oversights led to the collapse of her intricate scheme?

A Mother‘s Grief

1918Miranda‘s daughter Eva dies in Spanish Flu pandemic
1968Miranda discovers the Megamycete fungus and gains powers
2021Ceremony attempted to revive Eva into Rose‘s body

After losing Eva in the 1918 influenza outbreak, Miranda became obsessed with bringing her back from the dead. Over decades of research, this drove her to found the village and Connections organization. But it was discovering the ancient Megamycete fungus in 1968 that finally gave Miranda the tools to conceive an intricate ritual to revive Eva.

The Botched Ritual

This ceremonial process involved ripping the body of Rose Winters into four pieces, then mystically restoring her to life as a vessel for Eva‘s spirit. Based on notes found on the altar, the ritual spanned over 100 steps and demanded tremendous magical exertion across days of grueling focus.

But despite the intricate preparation, Miranda‘s powers spluttered out during the final phase. The pieces of Rose revived, but her own daughter‘s spirit remained lost in the afterlife, driving Miranda to the edge of sanity over her failure.

An Unforeseen Drain

Sustaining a mystic ritual of such length and complexity placed immense strain on Miranda‘s resources. Like an engine redlining for too long, this excessive overuse of energy tapped the depths of her magic past recovery in mere moments.

Centuries of accumulated power were wiped out rapidly by this ambitious folly, leaving Miranda defenseless just when achieving her ultimate wish seemed closest. Her flaw was relying too much on the fungal source without accounting for its limitations when stretched by her limitless obsession.

Ethan‘s Critical Role

Ethan Winters proves the other weak link contributing to Miranda‘s downfall. His battles with the Lords and his unique Mold enhanced physiology allowed him to repeatedly resist and counteract Miranda‘s control.

This constant interference through the ceremonial period could have disrupted her connection to the Megamycete she relied on. And his dogged perseverance in pursuing Rose time and again shook Miranda‘s focus when she most needed perfect concentration to control the spirits from the afterlife.

Further Theories

Additionally, theories suggest Ethan‘s resurrection in RE7 may have involved Megamycete energy redirected from Miranda‘s ritual that day. And destruction the Lords could have severed other energy channels she was tapping for the ceremony. Though unconfirmed, these factors may provide more clues to the abrupt shattering of her intricate web.

Dire Ramifications

With her magic extinguished so suddenly, Miranda struggled to restrain even ancient beings like the Lords. This escalated dangerously as figures like Dimitrescu increasingly defied Miranda‘s grand vision.

Ultimately, this sudden fragility culminated in Miranda abandoning decades of intricate planning in a desperate bid to simply make Rose her own surrogate daughter by force. It was this sloppy improvisation that allowed Ethan‘s victory, finally ending Miranda‘s ancient schemes through the hubris of overconfidence.

The Curse of Time

Miranda spent over a century constructing the perfect ritual to restore her family. Ironically, attempting to defy time by reviving the dead caused the sands to run out on her own mortality when she exhausted lifetimes of accrued authority for nothing.

By flouting natural laws for personal ambition, Miranda ended up losing everything over a childish refusal to accept her own limits. This collapse highlights how no magic can achieve the impossible without consequences. Harsh reality eventually catches up even to those who fancy themselves gods.

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