Why did peaches set up Franklin?

As a passionate fan and analyst of Snowfall, I was shocked by the dramatic twist in season 5 surrounding Peaches‘ betrayal of Franklin. In one of the most jaw-dropping moments, it‘s revealed that Peaches orchestrated a theft of the $73 million Franklin had stashed away, abusing Franklin‘s trust in him. But what would motivate Peaches to commit such a devastating betrayal? As a character close to Franklin and the Saint family, what could have pushed him to rob Franklin blind and destroy their bond? Let‘s break down Peaches‘ history with Franklin and analyze what may have driven him to backstab our protagonist.

Peaches and Franklin – From Brotherhood to Betrayal

Peaches has been a prominent figure by Franklin‘s side since season 1 of Snowfall. We learn Peaches is a Vietnam vet Franklin‘s uncle Jerome connected with, and Jerome vouches for Peaches‘ character, loyalty, and reliability. This lands Peaches a trusted position in Franklin‘s budding drug empire as a fierce enforcer and protector.

Over the seasons, despite a few bumps (like Peaches killing Franklin‘s friend Kevin), their bond seems strong – almost brotherly. Peaches is Amber‘s godfather, evidencing the Saint family‘s faith in him.

So why jeopardize years of trust and friendship for money? Let‘s explore some theories behind Peaches‘ startling heel-turn:

Theories on Peaches‘ Motives

  • Money troubles: Peaches may have faced threats over unpaid debts that desperate measures could relieve
  • Disgruntlement: Peaches may have felt undervalued/underpaid for his contributions and risks
  • Escape plan: He may have needed fast cash to disappear safely from looming threats
  • Opportunism: Perhaps he succumbed to greed seeing Franklin‘s mountain of vulnerable cash
  • External pressure: Someone like Kane could have coerced Peaches by endangering loved ones

Of course, we still need more info to determine what specifically motivated this fateful theft. But these potential factors shed light on why even someone as trusted as Peaches may commit such a serious betrayal.

The Aftermath – Devastation Across Franklin‘s Network

Regardless of motives, the fallout from Peaches‘ betrayal is nuclear. The loss of $73 million cripples Franklin‘s plan to leave the drug game forever. Instead, he has to claw his way back from ruin – making him increasingly ruthless and dangerous.

The heist also obliterates Franklin and Jerome‘s sense of security and loyalty. Jerome is completely crushed to see his years-long friendship with Peaches ruptured by mistrust and deceit. And Franklin faces threats from multiple enemies doubting his strength after such a massive financial and personal blow.

Let‘s examine how core relationships may continue deteriorating in the aftermath:

Potential Impacts on Key Bonds

Relationship Potential fallout
Franklin and Jerome Jerome‘s judgment comes under fire after vouching for Peaches. This seeds mistrust between nephew and uncle.
Franklin and Louie Louie already betrayed Franklin previously – tensions heighten further after Peaches debacle triggers Franklin‘s paranoia about who to trust.
Franklin and Leo Leo‘s scrapyard was linked to Peaches‘ theft. This casts Leo‘s loyalty into doubt despite years working with Franklin.

The erosion of trust and stability shown above illustrates the wide devastation Peaches‘ betrayal causes in Franklin‘s network. These damaged bonds may take whole seasons to heal – if they ever fully heal.

Final Thoughts and Predictions

In the end, Peaches‘ shocking betrayal reveals that no relationship in Franklin‘s world is sacred – old bonds once considered unbreakable can rupture instantly. Years of friendship and trust get erased over money, outside pressure, or simply the power play of taking Franklin down a notch. This loss of security will change Franklin, shaping him into a more isolated, paranoid kingpin focused solely on empire-building rather than human connection.

My prediction is that Peaches will meet a grim end once found – the level of intimate betrayal is too severe for Franklin to forgive. The heartbreak shifts Franklin further away from the man we met in season 1 – replaced by a detached crime lord less tethered to family or morality. The effects on his psyche will be incredibly fascinating to see unfold.

While devastating for characters we love, Peaches‘ riveting heel-turn sets up loads of intense drama as the Snowfall story continues evolving. I can‘t wait to revisit this complex situation through future plot twists!

Let me know your thoughts on Peaches‘ betrayal and theories for what comes next – I love exchanging perspectives with fellow passionate Snowfall fans! Feel free to comment below or contact me directly to dive deeper on this rich, thought-provoking show.

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