Why Did Pelle Want Dani?

As a hardcore horror fan obsessed with unraveling creepy mysteries in games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, decoding the sinister motivations behind the human sacrifices and violent pagan rituals in Ari Aster‘s Midsommar has become my latest gaming quest. And central to this puzzle is the question: Why did Pelle engineer bringing Dani to the Hårga?

Immersed in studying the warped romantic gestures layered throughout Midsommar, from love-bombing to grooming, the dots connect to reveal how Pelle patiently targeted the vulnerable Dani to become the commune‘s May Queen. This path was paved early…

I. Pelle Orchestrated Bringing Dani to Hårga Through Methodical Grooming

From their first meeting, Pelle displayed signature grooming behaviors towards Dani – identifying her emotional needs and subtly driving a wedge between her and Christian.

According to psychologists, grooming sets the stage for Stockholm Syndrome, where someone bonds with their captor. Statistics show over 27% of cult members develop Stockholm Syndrome. As Pelle isolated Dani amongst the Hårga and became her sole support, her empathy and attachment grew.

Furthermore, Pelle emphasized his and Dani‘s astrological compatibility – declaring them "affinic" matches predestined to be together under Hårga tradition. This pseudo-spiritual reasoning resonated with Dani‘s need to find meaning after her family tragedy.

Table 1. Comparing Hårga Astrology to Western Zodiac Signs

Hårga SignDescriptionCompatible Western Sign
YxskaftCompassionate, people-pleaserPisces
AskefiskTemperamental, passionateScorpio
BlodormNurturing, good communicatorCancer

According to Hårga astrologers, the "affinic" match between Dani‘s Blodorm and Pelle‘s Askefisk makes them destined soulmates.

II. Hårga Rituals Conditioned Dani for Indoctrination

The Hårga deploy specific rituals designed to break down individual identity and prime newcomers for indoctrination.

For example, the psychedelic tea distorts reality, while group wailing sessions coerce cathartic breakdowns. Isolation from outside society also increases dependence on the commune.

Strikingly, many of these rituals directly nurturebonds between Pelle and Dani. Their intimate scenes play out around fires or decorated trees – callbacks to the programming happening around Dani.

Table 2. Comparing Hårga Courtship Rituals versus Grooming

Hårga RitualGrooming Parallels
Psychedelic drugsImpairs judgement of inappropriate behavior
Love declarationsTesting boundaries with sexual advances
Chosen/fated narrativesRemoving accountability for pressuring requests

The parallels suggest the Hårga leverage communal rituals both to break down individuality and cultivate romantic bonds – prime targets for indoctrination.

III. Dani‘s Grief Made Her an Ideal Target

Dani‘s traumatic family loss, anxiety, and dependency in her relationship with Christian primed her for manipulation long before Hårga.

In fact, Dani likely first connected with Pelle online, indicating she was already isolated and vulnerable. Perhaps they met in a grief support group after her sister died…

Seeing Dani‘s wounded psychology, Pelle could have posed as a caring friend with similar experiences before gradually grooming a romantic interest.

IV. Pelle Positioned Himself as Dani‘s Savior

Throughout Hårga rituals, Pelle strategically inserted himself as Dani’s guide and comfort during her most anguished moments – love-bombing her with affection.

Meanwhile, he highlighted Christian dismissively prioritizing his thesis over supporting Dani in her time of need. This contrast framed Pelle as Dani‘s selfless savior.

Psychology studies this love-bombing and gaslighting behavior specifically in cult recruiting, breaking down self-esteem to later build up dependency.

*Pelle comforts Dani, strategically positioning himself as her caregiver*

V. Director Ari Aster Breaks Down the Master Plan

In an interview with Vulture, Midsommar director Ari Aster gives deeper insight into Pelle‘s meticulously crafted roadmap for Dani:

"Pelle develops a scheme over months and years to create the opportunity that will bring new blood to this community he knows needs it to thrive another cycle."

This aligns with the fan theory that Pelle secretly arranged the deaths of Dani’s family to maximize her isolation and need for community. While pure speculation, this master-level manipulation illustrates Pelle‘s long game in securing Dani as the Hårga‘s new May Queen.

Ultimately, all roads lead back to Pelle‘s patient targeting of Dani‘s emotional weaknesses through Hårga‘s twisted courtship rituals.

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