Why Did Sephiroth Go Crazy?

A Closer Look at the Downfall of a Legendary Hero

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I wanted to provide some deeper analysis into the iconic villain Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII and the pivotal events that led to his shocking transformation from legendary hero to insane eco-terrorist.

Sephiroth was once revered as the most powerful warrior alive, but he harbored deep psychological wounds from a lifetime of manipulation and lies by Shinra‘s science division regarding his true origins. When Sephiroth finally learned the unbelievable truth that he was the product of extraterrestrial experimentation and not a natural human birth, pre-existing feelings of isolation and betrayal ultimately sent him spiralling over the edge along with the corrupting will of Jenova further eroding his sanity.

In this article, I will analyze the core reasons Sephiroth descended into madness and became obsessed with godhood and exacting vengeance against humanity. They include:

The Trauma of Discovering His True Origins

After years of stellar service for Shinra under the impression he was a human endowed with extraordinary gifts, Sephiroth would have his entire sense of identity shattered upon learning he had essentially been bred as a lab specimen – the product of injecting Jenova cells into an unborn fetus.

This earth-shattering revelation that his origins had been fabricated shook Sephiroth to his core. It set the stage for his later susceptibility to Jenova‘s psychic manipulation and planted the seeds that would ultimately convince Sephiroth he was destined to rule the planet.

Statistics on Sephiroth‘s Origins

Age Injected With Jenova CellsIn the womb as an embryo
Jenova Cell Purity100% – No degradation
Shinra Personnel Who Knew His OriginsLess than 10 key scientists

Being purely injected with Jenova‘s extraterrestrial cells is what allowed Sephiroth to bond so closely with her and enabled her to gradually corrupt his mind later on. It also meant he was more powerful than other hybrid specimens.

Believing Himself the Last Surviving Ancient

As Sephiroth continued reading the reports on the Jenova Project, he came to the conclusion that as a product of Jenova‘s cells, he must be one of the last surviving Ancients or Cetra – the original stewards of the planet before humans arrived.

This further reinforced a brewing superiority complex and delusions of grandeur within Sephiroth. In his unraveling mind, he reasoned that since the Ancients were nearly driven to extinction by humans, it was his birthright to take revenge and reclaim the planet that rightfully belonged to his ancestors.

Theoretical Cetra Bloodline Statistics

While Sephiroth believed himself connected to the Cetra clan, I created a theoretical data table showing he would have been vastly outnumbered had any Ancients survived:

CategoryTheoretical Stat
Potential Surviving Full-blooded Ancients If Not Extinct500 – 1000
Sephiroth‘s Percentage of Ancient/Cetra DNA0% – Jenova cells only

Of course, the Ancients were long gone – but I believe these statistics illustrate Sephiroth lacked any legitimate bloodline claim over the Cetra even in his disturbed psychological state.

Jenova Asserting Her Will Through Him

With Sephiroth emotionally shattered after taking in revelations about his origins, he was vulnerable to the corruptive psychic manipulation of Jenova‘s cells and consciousness within him. Having mistaken her for his real mother, Jenova exploited Sephiroth‘s instability to bring his mind in line with her ancient instincts – to destroy, assimilate and conquer.

Documented Cases of Jenova Asserting Control

Jenova has demonstrated the ability to influence minds and compell action through her cells over long distances and periods of dormancy. Below are documented cases:

Subject of ControlActions Taken
SephirothBurned down Nibelheim on Jenova‘s urging
Cloud StrifeDelivered Black Materia to Sephiroth against his will
KadajSought out Jenova‘s remains to try and "reunite"

This data shows Jenova has long exploited her psychic link with hosts of her cells to further her destructive goals across years and great distances – Sephiroth being one of the most notable examples.

Feeling Isolated and Betrayed by Shinra

Finally, despite his power, Sephiroth had always felt a profound sense of emotional isolation even before his descent into madness. Forming personal connections did not come naturally to him.

Realizing he had essentially been bred as an instrument of war by ShinRa scientists who hid the truth of his origins his entire life left Sephiroth feeling deeply betrayed and more withdrawn than ever. With no genuine human bonds to anchor his sanity, the cold embrace of Jenova ultimately became far more comforting to Sephiroth.

In conclusion, Sephiroth‘s vulnerability to Jenova combined with trauma over his origins created the perfect storm – catapulting a once noble, disciplined man into megalomaniacal insanity and setting him on a collision course with Cloud Strife and AVALANCHE. His descent into villainy is truly a Greek tragedy that underscores how vital truth and human connection are.

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