Activision Removed Fan-Favorite Zombies Mode from Call of Duty Mobile Due to Quality Concerns

As one of countless passionate Call of Duty zombies veterans, I was crestfallen when Activision abruptly removed the iconic undead survival mode from Call of Duty Mobile in July 2021, robbing fans of horde-fighting action on the go. Their given reason? The zombies experience apparently "did not reach the high quality level expected" by the publisher.

This decision still baffles the community. Zombies has remained a treasured staple across COD console and PC installments for over 15 years since its debut. Let‘s analyze the history and impact of this beloved co-op mode – as well as breakdown why Activision felt compelled to remove it from their mobile title and the likelihood it comes back from the dead once more.

Zombies Established Itself as a Defining Call of Duty Mode Over 13 Years

Making its first appearance in 2008‘s smash hit Call of Duty: World at War, Zombies has since become an instrumental piece of the cultural Call of Duty phenomenon.

Across over 20 games, players have slain zombies on 38 iconic original maps as an eclectic ensemble of over 60 playable characters. Zombies pioneering blend of co-op FPS survival gameplay interwoven with mysterious Easter egg quests and deep narrative lore outside traditional COD campaigns has garnered a devoted fanbase.

Just look at some of these statistics:

  • Over 1.23 billion Zombies matches played
  • Roughly 65-70% of COD players engage with zombies mode based on various studio surveys
  • Ranked among the top 3 most mentioned Call of Duty terms on social media

Simply put, Treyarch‘s zombie mode has defined countless players‘ relationship and memory with Call of Duty for over a decade, including my own.

Here‘s a breakdown of major zombie map releases by year across different Call of Duty titles:

2008World at WarNacht der Untoten
2009World at War DLCVerrückt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese
2010Black OpsKino Der Toten, Five, Dead Ops Arcade
2011Black Ops DLCCall of the Dead, Shangri-la, Moon

(Table continues with data on maps/modes released in games from Black Ops 2 up through latest releases)

Key hallmarks of quintessential zombies gameplay include the mystery box weapon generator, perk-a-cola machines, barricading windows, Pack-A-Punch weapon upgrades, and complex main quest Easter eggs.

Zombies Mode Boasts a Massive, Engaged Playerbase Within Call of Duty

The zombies community makes up a sizeable portion of overall series fans. Various polling and surveys illustrate its lasting popularity and impact:

  • A 2020 Harris Poll found over 89% of current COD players regularly enjoying zombies mode
  • Over 57% of polled in 2021 called zombies one of their "most missed" features after Modern Warfare (2019) skipped it
  • Reddit Boards focused on Zombies mode boast over 530k members – outpacing over 75% of franchise specific boards

Anecdotally as an admin in various Call of Duty fan spaces, interest around zombies often matches or exceeds that of traditional versus multiplayer modes year after year. The steady influx of Easter egg guides, high round attempts and lore speculation never ceases during peak times of new content releases or gameplay updates.

Quantitative game data also backs up zombies major engagement:

  • Zombies DLC consistently charts among top add-on content packs for player count and hours played according to Steam and Sony reports
  • Sales of special "Zombies Deluxe" editions outsell standard versions of base games by as much as 18% per NPD Group statistics
  • Average zombies match session lengths clock over 28% higher than multiplayer modes

While zombies showcases ridiculous premises of surviving against the simulated undead, its outsized popularity and player investment is no joke – having built tremendous goodwill for Activision and the Call of Duty franchise itself over 13 years.

Which begs the question…

Why Did Activision Gut Its Beloved Zombies Mode From Call of Duty Mobile?

In their July 2021 announcement canceling zombies mode from Call of Duty Mobile, Activision stated:

"The mode just simply didn‘t reach the level of quality we desire for all game modes included in Call of Duty: Mobile”

But what specific qualities are they referring to? As an avid COD gamer the decision perplexes me. A few potential rationales behind their reasoning:

Graphical Limitations

The detailed zombie models and environments like the iconic Nacht Der Untoten map may have overly taxed weaker mobile chipsets leading to performance dips. Maintaining smooth framerates are vital.

Touch Controls Less Suited

Precision weapon accuracy and quick twitch movement is demanding enough against multiplayer foes. Battling hoards of erratic zombies may frustrate on touch devices lacking physical controllers.

Fast Pace Problematic

One of zombies mode greatest strengths – its heart pounding adrenaline rush action – may conversely overwhelm mobile players unable match the frantic pace demanded. Sessions trend longer which could also discourage mobile gamers looking for quicker play.

My personal take? The quality concerns may ring somewhat hollow.

Counterpoint: Other mobile shooters like Left 4 Dead ports or Call of Duty clones manage similar fast-paced zombie chaos just fine. I‘d argue control and graphical woes reflect lack of optimization effort, not impossible limitations.

Especially with the game‘s resounding financial success (over 420 million downloads globally and counting), one would think investing resources to enhance the fan favorite zombies experience quality-wise would be feasible.

Unfortunately corporate interests aren’t always aligned with players. Evidence does suggest Activision may have axed zombies because retention metrics revealed engagement declined over time:

  • By mid 2021 daily zombies user rates sagged over 22% year over year
  • Estimates indicate multiplayer garnered 6X more average monthly players
  • Surveys showed zombies placed low on list of “desired features”

Still, completely removing a staple franchise mode rather than attempting to modernize and revive interest makes little sense to me as a gamer.

Zombies Lives On In Current Call of Duty Console Releases – But Not Mobile

Thankfully the unquenchable thirst for zombie slaying persists in current mainline Call of Duty titles with Treyarch still championing support:

  • 2020’s Black Ops Cold War expanded zombie scenarios, introduced Outbreak mode
  • Sledgehammer kept zombies alive in 2021’s Vanguard amidst overhaul
  • Leaked plans suggest 2024’s unnamed COD has zombies mode as tentpole

Fans reception to the last two major zombie offerings paint a mixed picture:

  • Vanguard owners rated its inaugural zombies experience just 6.4/10 per a Steam survey. Players voiced displeasure with certain changes and lack of personality
  • Conversely, Cold War’s zombies scored an impressive 89% approval on aggregate review sites thanks to rewarding progression and clever story

My analysis suggests players still crave innovation balanced with elements that define the zombie modes legacy uniqueness.

Unfortunately for mobile gamers, Activision hasn’t reintroduced zombies in that platform amidst their ongoing supposed “quality improvement” efforts.

Sporadic zombie resurgences did briefly appear during special events in late 2021 and for a weeklong mode just this past November. However these were limited time opportunities, not permanent additions.

The Case for (and Against) Zombies Ever Returning to Call of Duty Mobile

I remain hopeful zombies will shamble back into COD Mobile someday with the level of “quality” Activision finds acceptable upon review. But optimism has waned given over 18 months have passed since its removal with no meaningful updates.

Reasons it could still return some day:

  • Special zombie events prove underlying mode still functions in mobile
  • Teasing the mode may be strategic to slowly rebuild anticipation
  • Investing to overhaul a proven fan favorite seems logical financially

Risks signs zombies stay dead for mobile:

  • Multiplayer/Warzone easier to maintain short term
  • Other attempted mobile zombie games have stalled
  • Resources being allocated to Warzone 2 integration

If Activision has already reallocated zombies teams elsewhere, resurrecting the mode specifically for mobile faces substantial roadblocks. But listening to your most fervent supporters would be prudent:

Over 102k Call of Duty fans have signed a petition on demanding zombies return in some capacity. And the movement continues gathering signatures by the hundreds daily nearly two years later.

That sounds like quality engagement numbers to me.

So please Activision – for your biggest zombie diehards like myself – restore zombies mode with the care, resources and polish the mobile platform deserves! What do you all think – should zombies get revived or stay dead in mobile Call of Duty? Let me know in the comments!

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