Why Did V Pick His Stage Name?

He Chose "V" To Represent Victory & Visualize His Dreams

As an idol trainee, Kim Taehyung was given three stage name options to choose from: Six, Lex, and V.

Ultimately, he picked "V" for its powerful meaning – representing victory, which symbolized his aspirations to achieve success with BTS. V explained:

"V stands for victory. I chose it because it represents having the ability to spread your wings and soar towards your dreams."

This reasoning perfectly encapsulates V‘s determined mindset during his early years…

The Meaning Behind V‘s Name Selection

Big Hit Entertainment has a tradition of allowing new recruits to pick their own stage aliases before debuting. For V, three distinctive options were presented:

Six – A reference to him being the 6th BTS member to be revealed publicly.

Lex – Derived from the word "complex", hinting at his multi-faceted personality and talent.

V – Evoking power, success, and the spread of wings towards ambitious goals.

V described his immediate connection with the last suggestion "V", feeling its imagery of victory aligned with visualizing himself conquering the music industry alongside his fellow BTS bandmates.

The name "V" succinctly communicated this layered meaning. As he continued:

"I dreamed of being victorious and flying high one day. That‘s why I chose the name V for myself."

ARMYs also theorize his decision paid homage to family – his grandparents raised him in early childhood, so "V" may reference their first initial in Korean.

Ultimately though, V picked his iconic stage name due to…

Its Representation of Reaching New Heights

The name "V" filled this rising K-pop idol with motivation during intense training, symbolizing his visions of victory.

BTS member J-Hope touched on this, explaining:

V really suited that name because of his aspirations, it represented his dreams."

V was determined to manifest success, envisioning himself flying towards achievements alongside bandmates. The name "V" fueled this mentality.

Visualization of Shared Victories

His choice also considered BTS‘ collective ambitions. V cared deeply about excelling together with his "second family".

The message behind "V" visualized their shared dreams realized. This fueled their underdog mentality during 2015 debut.

In fact, V later got a matching tattoo with Jungkook to symbolize this bond.

So while "V" represented his personal aspirations, it also encompassed BTS‘ unified visions.

What Other Names Were Considered?

Before deciding on "V", Kim Taehyung pondered his options: Six, Lex, and V.

Six referred to his position joining BTS last in early publicity material.

Though the name subtly nodded to his vocals being the 6-membered "finishing touch" to their sound.

Meanwhile, Lex derived from blending "complex" – hinting at V‘s multifaceted artistry even pre-debut.

He displayed exceptional ability across singing, dancing, and acting during his idol training period.

Lex would have signified this dazzling duality, but ultimately didn‘t click as powerfully as "V‘ for reaching new heights with BTS brothers.

While he appreciated these name options, neither felt quintessentially him upon debut.

Other Stage Name Contenders:

- Six (symbolizing final member revealed)
- Lex (from term "complex", referring to his versatility)

V immediately resonated most with Kim Taehyung as he vicariously envisioned victories lying ahead in 2015.

What Does "V" Mean in His Nickname Tae-V?

Fans will notice V stylizes his full stage name as V – Taehyung (or Tae-V).

The "Tae" part is derived from his real given name Kim Taehyung of course.

But why format it V first prior to Taehyung? This sequencing carries deeper meaning.

Placing the symbolic letter "V" before Taehyung visualizes manifesting success into reality going forward.

Think of it almost like a prophetic name – he strives to achieve continuous victories as Taehyung.

It elegantly sequences his aspirations, represented by V, ahead of the person working towards them.

How Did V Feel When "V" Became His Official Stage Name?

On the August 5th, 2014 reveal of V as the final solo debut teaser, Kim Taehyung was elated to officially take on the meaningful name.

He expressed gratitude towards his company and staff for providing guidance, tweeting:

"I sincerely thank Director Seo Hyun for giving me lots of help in order to shape me to the best possible form before my debut."

While V admitted feeling pressured to sharpen skills further, the unveiling affirmed BigHit‘s belief in him succeeding.

Flashing a warm "V" sign to the future, Kim Taehyung cherished this turning point – ready to vigorously chase dreams under symbolic new name.

Styled as both humble and Powerful. A perfect encapsulation of the victorious "V" concept.

Key Events in V‘s Journey to Choosing His Stage Name:

- August 5, 2014
  * Revealed as "V" in final solo teaser
- September 2014  
  * Flashes symbolic "V" hand sign frequently to signify future successes
- December 2014
  * Makes first music show performance win under name "V" a reality

As referenced earlier, V‘s name choice also secretly paid respect to his family roots.

His beloved maternal grandparents played a monumentally influential role raising V in early childhood.

In fact, he continues upholding their lessons today – recently sharing about Grandpa Kim Jun-woo:

“He used to grow strawberries at our home and my grandma and I used to sell them together when I was younger. My grandpa taught me serving customers well is what life is about."

So theories suggest V symbolically honored his grandparents picking a name starting with Kim Taehyung‘s grandpa‘s initial "V".

It represented respecting family who lifted his wings early on.

The stage name "V" holds a final hidden meaning – subtly referencing Kim Taehyung‘s multi-dimensional persona.

On the surface, V radiates warmth – flashing beaming smiles and signature "V" fingers often.

This masks an intricate inner world blending humor, creativity, passion and philosophical depth.

The contractor "V" hints at these complexities lying underneath the bright exterior.

Producer Pdogg referenced this duality in a Break the Silence documentary scene:

“There is always hidden depth people can’t easily perceive.”

So in a wink to the beneath-the-surface intrigue surrounding this star, V picked a name encapsulating his victories and complexities to unfurl.

In summary, Kim Taehyung‘s stage name…

  • Projects strength through its meaning – rising to victories
  • Visualizes manifesting BTS‘ musical dreams
  • Hints at multi-talents revealing themselves in time
  • Honors family roots subtly via hidden meaning
  • Sets up the person "V" soaring freely ahead as Taehyung

The name "V" elegantly communicates this layered web of meaning.

Emblematic of both his war, optimistic public persona and cryptic private self.

That covers the major reasons behind Kim Taehyung‘s adoption of "V" as his cherished stage name back in 2014. hopefully this breakdown offered some newfound insight!

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