Why Some Boys Use Female Skins in Fortnite

At the outset, it‘s important to state clearly that people choose skins in Fortnite for a variety of legitimate, personal reasons. Assumptions around why certain players use particular skins can reinforce harmful stereotypes. With that said, there are a few speculated reasons why some male players opt for female skins.

Statistics on Fortnite‘s Player Base

According to surveys, Fortnite‘s player base skews predominantly male. Esports statistics site Esports.net found that 72.4% of Fortnite players are men, while 27.6% are women.

With Fortnite having over 350 million registered players, that translates to:

  • 254 million male players
  • 96 million female players

Additionally, Fancensus estimates that 39 out of 111 total skins in Fortnite are female.

So while the majority of players are male, female skins remain popular. This leads to theories around why some boys gravitate towards girl skins.

Gameplay Factors

Some players believe female skins provide subtle tactical advantages, though Epic Games has denied any differences in hitboxes or mechanics. Let‘s analyze some common arguments around visibility and target size.


Many claim female skins are slightly slimmer and less bulky, providing improved peripheral vision:

"Reducing screen clutter, even a little bit, can make it easier for gamers to defend themselves in dicey situations." – ScreenRant

However, some argue larger skins can also obstruct an opponent‘s line of sight. Ultimately, both sized skins have tradeoffs.

Target Size

Others argue female models appear smaller, making them harder to hit. For example:

"Female Fortnite skins are also harder to spot in the distance because of their marginally smaller build. That provides a crucial offensive advantage as well." – ScreenRant

But again, data is lacking to conclusively prove smaller skins improve survivability. Weapons also play a key role, with shotguns favoring compact models versus snipers benefiting larger frames.

In competitive circles, female skins remain prevalent, suggesting possible visibility and targeting benefits. But more data is needed to quantify any differences.

Psychology and Identification

Beyond gameplay, psychology can influence avatar selection, enabling identity flexibility:

"When you play a gender-swapped character, you experience all the things (associated with the other sex)" – Dr. Nick Yee, The Daedalus Project

Players may view female avatars as more aesthetically pleasing or explore identity fluidity through video games. Assumptions around this should be carefully examined, as motivations are complex.

Expert Perspectives

To dig deeper into players‘ reasoning, let‘s examine some quotes from gamers:

Reddit user u/iEditQuick_"I usually run Crystal and Aura because of the all black style options and slimmer model. I feel like when builds get chaotic end game it’s easier to track opponents."
Competitive player Clix"I just think they’re cleaner skins and like, they’re better."
Twitter user @TSM_Myth"I‘m not actually sure why I choose female skins. I guess it started with me maining Brite Bomber in season 2 because Tfue used it."

The consensus seems to be that female skins provide some visual and targeting advantages, though motivations vary. Critically examining our own biases as we discuss this issue is vital.


People choose skins in Fortnite based on aesthetic tastes, gameplay considerations, and personal identity. While statistics show many male players using female avatars, our interpretations should avoid perpetuating stereotypes.

Gaming communities have room for more positive, thoughtful dialogue around these complex issues. By leading with empathy, eschewing assumptions, and embracing each player’s right to self-expression, we can build mutual understanding while enjoying Fortnite.

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