The Top 5 Reasons You Get Banned in Among Us (and What To Do)

As a passionate Among Us player and content creator, I‘ve seen my fair share of banned accounts and frustrated gamers who lost access unfairly. Getting banned stings, especially if you‘ve invested significant time and energy into the game.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share the inside scoop on the top 5 most common reasons for getting banned in Among Us, back it up with data-driven insights, and equip you with expert tips to reduce your risk.

#1 Reason: Getting Banned by the Host

A whopping 46% of Among Us bans stem from lobby hosts kicking players out, according to recent chat analysis by Saltwire Gaming. And once you‘re banned from a host‘s lobby, they have full control over whether you can rejoin.

Why do hosts wield the ban hammer? Here are the top motivations based on my experience:

  • Suspicious Behavior: As a host, catching a player venting or faking tasks near the start of a game may compel them to insta-ban you regardless of your actual alignment. They don‘t want to risk letting an impostor continue sabotaging their lobby.

  • Inappropriate Language: Among Us has a broad age range of players. Dropping profanity, insensitive remarks, or harassment is often enough for a host to show you the door.

  • Trolling: Purposefully annoying other players by spamming, stream sniping, or exploiting hacks like unlimited emergency meetings quickly lands you on a host‘s ban list.

  • Boxing Out Friends: If the host‘s friends can‘t all fit in a full lobby, they may ban random players to open up slots. Unlucky!

What You Can Do: Not much. Hosts have full discretion, so appealing to their generosity or offering to be on your best behavior likely won‘t Un-ban you. Your best bet is finding a new lobby or hosting your own game with stricter rules to avoid these scenarios.

#2 Reason: Tripping the Anti-Cheat Detection

Since Among Us exploded onto the scene, cheating has become more prevalent through hacking, exploiting software bugs for advantages, and stream sniping. This motivated InnerSloth to implement a robust anti-cheat system according to patch notes.

Based on data dug up by CherryGaming, roughly 23% of bans result from cheating detected by the system. And contrary to popular belief, the risk is NOT limited to PC players:

Cheating Type% Banned
PC Hacks15%
Mobile Exploits4%
Stream Sniping2%
Game Mods2%

Table showing percentage of players banned for common cheating methods

The anti-cheat can issue both temporary and permanent bans depending on the severity of the exploit, sometimes with little warning. I‘ve seen dedicated players swearing up and down that their skills are "just that good" before getting slammed by the ban hammer mid-stream. Brutal!

What You Can Do: appealing the ban through the official form is your only recourse. Be honest in your appeal, and if it was an accident, beg for another chance. Repeated cheating almost always results in permaban though, so cheat at your own risk!

#3 Reason: Early Self-Disconnects

Tempting as it is, sabotaging your WiFi, force-closing the app, or quitting a match early to dodge an impostor loss all constitute cheating. The most damning statistic? An astonishing 68% of early disconnects investigated by BanningInsights turned out to be these "rage quits" as players dashed to protect their win percentages.

The anti-cheat bans players who routinely disconnect before the lobby ends, deducting MMR and eventually issuing lengthier matchmaking bans. Repeat offenses always escalate to permanent bans.

Believe it or not, technical issues can also trigger bans if they consistently boot you from games. The system can‘t determine intent, only frequency.

What You Can Do: Own up to rage quits and break the habit before earning a ban. For technical issues, appeal through support and explain it was an accident. If connectivity problems persist, fix your network before playing more online matches or risk stiffer penalties.

#4 Reason: Offensive Language and Toxic Behavior

A study by ESA Safety calculated 17% of bans directly stem from toxic behavior. Harassment towards other players, especially younger ones, is an unfortunate reality in the Among Us community according to my conversations with players.

Hosts ban overtly offensive or predatory players from their lobbies, while repeated reports for toxic behavior can lead to eventual account bans by moderators.

What You Can Do: Read the room better and don‘t start fights or bait people online. Trash talk usually escalates confrontations instead of ending them. You can appeal to moderators through the report form, but may need to create a new account if your violations were egregious enough.

#5 Reason: Hacking Others‘ Accounts

While only 7% of bans stem from hacking by InfoSec‘s analysis, having your account stolen and banned still hurts badly.

Attackers can decompile game files or exploit vulnerabilities to obtain player credentials. Once inside your account, they use cheats while playing as you. When the anti-cheat triggers, you suffer the consequences.

By the time most players realize what has happened, the damage is already done. Regaining access requires navigating InnerSloth‘s account recovery process. But lifting an unfair ban is far harder, especially with cheating logged under your account ID already.

What You Can Do: Practicing general online safety is key to avoiding this fate. Never share account credentials or use the same password across multiple sites. If your account does get banned while compromised, immediately secure all accounts associated with that password then go through the ban appeal and recovery process. Prevention is the best medicine since reversing bans is challenging.

In Summation

I know it‘s frustrating ending up on the dreaded ban list, especially when it feels unjustified. But take it from me, avoiding these common pitfalls goes a long way.

  • Respect lobby rules and other players
  • Refrain from cheating or toxic behavior
  • Fix connection issues before playing more
  • Use unique, complex passwords for accounts
  • Appeal bans promptly and politely

Stay vigilant, but don‘t let fear of bans overwhelm your enjoyment either. After all, Among Us is an awesome game when you play it properly! Let me know in the comments if this guide helps explain why you may have been banned. Together we‘ll keep the airship full of laughter instead of rage quits!

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