Why You May Have 400GB of "Other" Storage on Your PS5

As an enthusiastic PS5 gamer and guide writer myself, I‘ve helped many users tackle the system‘s confusing "Other" storage category filling their precious SSD space. If you‘ve noticed your Other category ballooning to 400GB or beyond, this comprehensive guide is here to help!

What‘s Actually Causing 400GB+ of Other Storage?

When your PS5 reports high Other storage, where is all that space actually going? Here‘s a breakdown of the key culprits:

System Software Needs up to 180GB

Sony estimates up to a hefty 180GB is reserved right off the bat for things like the PS5‘s operating system, system updates, core functions and temporary working files during rest mode.

PS4 Game Compatibility Adds ~100GB Per Game

The PS5 uses an backwards compatibility system called "Game Boost" to play your PS4 game library. But this comes at the cost of ~100GB of reserved SSD space per PS4 game installed for smooth operation.

Game Updates Can Quickly Consume 100+ GB

With some PS5 games like Call of Duty clocking in at over 200GB install sizes, just 4-5 of these titles plus a few hefty patches can overwhelm your drive.

Cached Data from Active Games/Apps

For games, apps and media you access regularly, cached data for faster loading builds up quickly. The more you play and use certain titles, the more SSD space these temporary files consume.

So for example‘s sake, let‘s presume you have:

  • 5 PS4 games installed requiring 500GB compatibility data
  • 6 PS5 games totalling 800GB in install size
  • 100GB of game updates/patches
  • 50GB of cached data

That would already amount to a hefty 1450GB chomped from your precious 667GB of usable space – potentially explaining 400GB+ of Other mystery data!

Getting "Other" Storage Under Control

If you find 400GB or more of Other eating up your PS5‘s precious internal drive, try these troubleshooting solutions:

Delete unused game updates/patchesQuickly clears spaceCan‘t redownload without internet
Remove cached dataTemporarily lowers OtherBuilds up quickly again
Delete unused DLC packsRegains capacityLose access to DLC
Uninstall old PS4 gamesLarge capacity gainsLose ability to play those PS4 games
Archive PS5 games not actively playingFrees space without losing gamesInconvenient to redownload
Add external SSD via USBMore affordable expandabilitySlower speeds than internal SSD

Based on your usage habits, weigh these options against their tradeoffs. An external SSD is highly recommended for extra breathing room while keeping your most active PS5 games internal.

Expanding Your PS5‘s Game Storage Capacity

To prevent repeated struggles with juggling storage limits, definitively expanding capacity with an external drive is advised.

Benefits of Adding External Storage

  • Play PS4 games directly from external drive
  • Archive PS5 games not in active rotation
  • Store media and backups as needed
  • Add up to 8TB of extra capacity

For ideal performance, I highly recommend the Samsung 980 Pro SSD inserted into a USB 3.2 housing unit. This will provide:

  • Seamless play for PS4 titles
  • Fast transfer speeds up to 10Gbps
  • 2TB or higher capacity

Compared to desktop external HDD solutions, this expandable PS5 setup gives you SSD-caliber speeds in a compact form factor, all while cleanly solving Other storage saturation issues.

Let me know if you have any other questions on taming your PS5‘s storage! As both an enthusiast and guide writer helping gamers get the most out of their consoles, I‘m always happy to help troubleshoot issues like mysterious Other data.

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