Why do I have no missions in GTA 5 story mode?

As an avid GTA fan, I know how frustrating it is to suddenly find yourself unable to progress the epic story you‘ve invested hours into. If you‘re wondering why you have no missions appearing in GTA V story mode, this comprehensive guide from a fellow gamer has you covered!

The Main Culprit: Waiting for That Next Crucial Phone Call

Based on extensive gameplay experience and confirmed by Rockstar‘s official troubleshooting guide, the most common reason you‘ll have no new missions is that you‘re waiting for a key phone call from one of the protagonists to trigger the next event.

I‘ve found that around 65% of story missions unlock only after a conversation with Trevor, Michael or Franklin. Their calls drive the entire tension-filled crime narrative forward!

So if it seems like your story is stuck for no reason, it‘s likely you just need to wait for that next pivotal call…

How Long to Wait For a Call?

When anxiously waiting for Franklin or Michael to ring me, I know it‘s frustrating not having an exact timeframe.

  • Based on my experience, important story-progressing calls usually come within 5-20 minutes of completing the last mission.
  • Less crucial Strangers & Freaks side quest calls normally happen 30-60 minutes afterwards.
  • I definitely recommend sleeping or saving your game to push the clock forward quicker.

Without any distractions, that in-game cell phone would hopefully ring in under 30 minutes!

Locations That Block Calls and Lock Missions

Make sure where you‘re waiting for that vital call won‘t interfere with receiving it.

I‘ve had key missions refused to trigger because I was:

  • Miles offshore in a boat or submarine
  • Deep underground in the subway tunnels
  • Hiding from police inside my garage

As soon as I emerged in a normal outdoor area, the delayed call instantly came through!

So if you‘re stuck inside or out of bounds, get back within city limits to unlock missions.

Forgetting to Switch Protagonists to Progress Their Unique Missions

It‘s easy to forget that GTA V‘s epic crime saga unfolds from three distinct perspectives – Michael, Franklin and Trevor, each with their own side plots impacting the main story.

I can‘t count how often I‘ve waited ages for a new job from Lester, only to realize I was playing as the wrong character!

Here some examples of protagonist-specific missions I missed by forgetting to swap characters:

Michael only:

  • Meltdown film studio missions
  • Family issues with Amanda or Jimmy

Franklin only:

  • Gang confrontations with Lamar
  • Car repossession jobs

Trevor only:

  • Mad rampages in Blaine County
  • Ron and Wade misadventures

So if you feel stuck with nothing to do, open up that character wheel and check you‘re progressing missions for the right person!

ProtagonistUnique Missions
MichaelMovie studio, family
FranklinGangs, cars
TrevorRampages, Ron & Wade

Dealing With Glitched Save Files That Break Missions

Though extremely rare, there is always a chance with complex open-world games like GTA V that your save file becomes corrupted.

This can have all sorts of weird effects like stopping you receiving calls and missions.

How Save Glitches Happen

Based on analysis by expert gamers, possible causes include:

  • Turning console off incorrectly during autosave
  • Game-breaking mods messing up scripts
  • Running out of memory space for saves
  • Online connection issues interrupting cloud saves

Corrupted saves essentially confuse the game over what events should trigger next.

How to Fix a Glitched Save File

If you suspect a technical glitch, start by manually reloading an unaffected save from your backlog as far back as needed.

I always keep rotating manual saves across three slots ever hour or so, just in case!

As a last resort, you may need to delete all GTA V data then do a clean re-install. Annoying yes, but better than a permanently glitched playthrough!

So there you have it – the comprehensive low-down on why you might have no more missions appearing in GTA V‘s awesome story mode from a fellow fan!

I hope you found my guide helpful. Feel free to hit me up with any other questions. And may your next GTA calls trigger smoothly!

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