Why Do I Keep Losing My Gold Bars in Candy Crush?

As a passionate Candy Crush gamer and content creator, I‘ve seen many players (including myself) frustrated by losing hard-won gold bars. So why does it happen and how can we stop the disappearing candy crisis?

What Are Gold Bars in Candy Crush?

For the uninitiated, gold bars are premium boosters in Candy Crush Saga. Unlike regular boosters and lives that regenerate over time, players must earn gold bars through gameplay or purchase them. They provide major help in clearing tricky levels.

But what makes gold bars unique is that they are stored on Candy Crush servers rather than locally on your device. This added security comes with connectivity drawbacks…

The Two Main Culprits for Vanishing Gold Bars

After digging into numerous player reports, two primary culprits emerge for losing gold bars in Candy Crush:

1. Disconnection from your account

According to the Candy Crush community forums, the most common reason is the game dropping its connection to the server where your gold bar count is stored.

If Candy Crush on your device loses access to your account, it can seem as if your hard-earned boosters simply disappeared.

2. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app

The Candy Crush forums note that if you uninstall the app before backing up your progress or connecting to your account, all data stored locally (including boosters) is wiped out.

Reinstalling before syncing back up with Facebook or King can make it appear as if your gold bars vanished into thin air!

Why Connection Issues Cause So Many Problems

Now that we know the main culprits, why does a connectivity problem so easily wipe out gold bars?

Well, unlike most boosters and lives that regenerate over time and are stored locally on your device, gold bars rely on constant connection to the Candy Crush servers.

So any disruption in accessing your account on their servers means the gold bar count your device displays is no longer accurate. Your bars may technically still be safe in your account, but your device has lost access to that count.

What the Candy Crush Community Says

Perusing through Candy Crush forums reveals losing gold bars remains a huge headache for many players. Some report losing 200+ gold bars due to installation issues and laggy connectivity.

However, experienced players offer tons of tips on the forums for avoiding and troubleshooting lost gold bars:

IssueSuggested Fix
Disconnection errorsManually reconnect Facebook or King account in-game
App reinstallationBackup up progress with connected account before uninstalling
Server lag/errorsClose and reopen app to refresh connection
Can‘t reconnect accountContact Candy Crush support to investigate issues


Connecting through Facebook rather than King seems most robust in avoiding lost boosters for many players. Moderators also heavily push manually reloading your account profile within the app if any disconnection happens.

Top Tips to Stop Losing Your Gold Bars

As a long-time daily player myself, I avoid gold bar heartbreak by sticking to a few key rules:

1. Always play with a stable internet connection

Lag and disconnections account for a chunk of lost gold bars. Before entering levels where you‘ll use this precious booster, check you have a strong WiFi or mobile data connection.

2. Connect to Facebook AND King account in-app

Linking to both Facebook and your King account adds an extra safeguard if one drops out. It saves me constantly reloading when connections stutter.

3. Sync progress before ANY app reinstalls

I dutifully connect and backup up my progress to both Facebook and King via the settings menu before uninstalling. This should safeguard your gold bar count by storing it externally.

4. Bookmark key Candy Crush support pages

I have bookmarked support pages for connection issues, missing items, and recovering accounts in case disaster strikes. This allows me to take swift action rather than panicking!

The Bittersweet Truth About Gold Bars

While losing gold bars may be deeply annoying and inconvenient when trying to progress, they do force more strategic and judicious use compared to free boosters we take for granted.

And overcoming those super tough Candy Crush levels does feel SO much more satisfying when you conquer it unaided!

So while I hope these tips help you safeguard your gold bars haul, don‘t let their loss distract you from the sweet taste of crushing candy the old fashioned way – through skill and determination rather than the fickle favors of Lady Luck!

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