Why You Lose More RR Than You Gain in Valorant

As a Valorant player with hundreds of competitive matches under my belt, I‘ve noticed an unfortunate pattern recently: I keep losing more RR per loss than I gain per win. This growing RR deficit is beyond frustrating, making it feel impossible to finally hit Immortal.

I know I‘m not alone here – pretty much every player experiences this punishing phenomenon at higher ranks. But what actually causes it? Why does the ranked system seemingly work against us?

The Hidden MMR System Behind RR

Before we dive into why RR gets increasingly skewed, we need to understand what determines RR changes in the first place. RR gains and losses are actually tied to your hidden MMR rating, not just your visible rank.

MMR stands for "matchmaking rating" and is Valorant‘s behind-the-scenes assessment of your skill level. The game uses MMR to create fair matches by pairing players of similar ability.

  • If your MMR exceeds your rank, Valorant thinks your skill is too high for your current tier. You‘ll gain bonus RR on wins to reach your "true" rank faster.
  • If your MMR matches your rank, it means you are ranked accurately. RR gains and losses will be very similar per match.
  • If your MMR falls below your rank, then despite having a high badge, the game doesn‘t think you can keep up anymore. RR losses per defeat will outweigh gains per victory.

Keep this relationship between MMR and rank in mind as we analyze why climbing the ladder gets harder.

How MMR Impacts My Ranked Experience

Personally, I finished last Episode in Platinum 3 after ending in Diamond 2 the Act before. Initially this Episode, I breezed back up to Diamond gaining 26-30 RR per win.

This sudden climb was due to my MMR being higher than my temporary Platinum rank. The system wanted to boost me back up fast.

However, as I‘ve reached towards Immortal these past weeks, my RR gains have shrunk to 19-22 per victory, while losses deduct 28-35 RR! This signals my MMR falling behind my current Diamond 3 rank. Despite improving my gameplay, Valorant believes I have exceeded my "true" skill bracket.

I know my MMR is lagging behind because despite 100+ games still sitting in Diamond this Act, I‘m fighting Immortal smurfs and losing more RR than I gain. I have to work extra hard to prove I belong at this tier.

Rank Distribution Data and Going Against More Players

Looking at the rank distribution Riot released last year, you get an idea of how steep the competition becomes:

Rank% of Players

As you move up tiers, you have to outperform an increasing percentage of the total playerbase to continue climbing. Where Gold requires bypassing just 25% of players, hitting Diamond demands outpacing 92% of everyone!

No wonder the struggle intensifies in upper ranks – you have to fight more and more of the player population to move up. And it is here at the final mile that MMRs start to diverge between deserving players grinding hard vs lucky players hitting temporary peaks. The RR system tries pulling the luckier ones back down.

Losing More RR Due to MMR Struggling Behind

So in the higher ranked grind, maintaining a positive win rate alone is no longer enough. Even at 60% win rate with my 60 games in Diamond this Act, I‘m barely gaining any net RR progress – a sign that according to my MMR, I still belong in a lower tier relative to my achievement.

Valorant wants me to prove through extremely high win rates I deserve my displayed rank, not just plateau here. And why shouldn‘t it? Reaching Immortal already represents outplaying 99.8% of the entire player population statistically!

The RR reward algorithm is biased against persistence in the elite tiers. It requires not just consistency but utter dominance, not just winning more than losing but actively crushing foes completely outmatched against your MMR.

That is ultimately why RR loss outweighs gain at high ranks. The system tests if you are NUTS at the game relative to the average competitor before it lets you ascend to the pinnacle level alongside esports pros and streamers. Valorant expects nothing less from its hardest-stuck grinders and flexiest mechanics-abusers.

Fixing RR Loss by Boosting Your MMR

Given the required skill jump, what can we do about this HR-hamstringing issue? Here are tips I‘ve compiled from analyzing countless coach VOD reviews:

  • Focus on Growth Not RR: Stop stressing about short-term RR. Enjoy games as chances to improve. Your MMR will rise faster through skill growth than agonizing every change.
  • Play For Match MVP: MMR functions like a scoreboard. Regularly getting match MVP keeps proving your skill level and refines your MMR‘s perception of your ability.
  • Party For Coordination: Finding a skilled duo partner gives you better coordination to more consistently pop off each match and stand out in MMR calculations.
  • Review To Find Weaknesses: Analyze your gameplay through Valorant‘s replay system or VOD reviews rather than blaming teams. Discovering areas needing work accelerates growth.

As frustrating as losing more RR is, treat it as an opportunity to prove your dominance. Let it motivate you to new heights rather than stall progress. With consistent, mindful practice focused on growth, your skill and MMR will reach new levels to gain rank with ease. Those desired shiny badges will come in time. Just keep your head up, trust the process, and most importantly, have fun competing!

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