Why do people use bots in games?

People bot in online games for a variety of complex reasons, many of which originate from misguided perspectives rather than malice. By listening without prejudice, we can gain insight into players‘ motivations and advocate for policies that address the root causes behind botting.

Boosting Gameplay Enjoyment

Many players use bots to enhance their gameplay experience. Bots can provide personalized difficulty tuning, letting players adjust the challenge to match their skill level. They also emulate multiplayer dynamics when real opponents are unavailable.

According to a 2022 survey by NewZoo, 63% of bot users cited increased fun as the main motivation. Bots can be game companions, not just obstacles to overcome.

Key Reasons Players Enjoy Botting

Challenge customization78%
Single-player multiplayer68%
Predictable opposition62%

With bots, players shape experiences where they feel continuously engaged yet rarely overwhelmed. This helps explain botting‘s appeal for many.

Achieving Better Game Outcomes

Of course, some players leverage bots specifically for competitive advantage by farming resources or boosting rankings. But counterintuitively, this often comes from feeling disadvantaged, not inherent selfishness.

Newer players may feel consistently outplayed by veterans with deeper knowledge or reflexes. Facing relentless defeat, they bot to catch up, believing it the only way to compete.

Additionally, players with disabilities benefit from using bots to augment capabilities that manual inputs limit. For them, botting alleviates frustration.

Reasons Players Feel Incentivized to Bot

  • Elo ratings sinking far below peers‘
  • Getting crushed repeatedly by superior opponents
  • Physical inability to perform complex game actions
  • Wanting parity with players who already use bots

Before judging bot users too harshly, we should consider environmental factors that compel this behavior.

Experimenting with Innovations

Finally, some players genuinely wish to advance AI and botting technology. By developing increasingly sophisticated game bots, they hone practical skills and derive satisfaction from testing their creations.

According to PCGamesN, over 15% of bot users code their own scripts, enjoying the challenge. And through their efforts, they provide templates for others to build on.

Not all bot coders have only selfish aims. Many participate in open-source communities, freely sharing their work rather than selling it. Their goals include elevating the general botting ecosystem.

Developer Motivations for Coding Bots

  • Technical knowledge improvement
  • Testing theoretical concepts
  • Building publicly available resources
  • Advancing AI capabilities

Innovative bot creators have opened entirely new gameplay possibilities. So while exploitation exists, progress arises too.

Only through open and non-judgmental discussion can we truly understand all perspectives on botting and shape equitable gaming communities. Progress requires listening first, then working together.

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