Why do people want a foreign Ditto? Simple – boosted Shiny odds!

As a long-time Pokémon breeder and Shiny hunting expert, I constantly get asked: why does every player want to trade for foreign Dittos? What makes them so valuable?

The answer is simple – foreign Dittos enable the Masuda Method, drastically boosting Shiny odds for bred Pokémon from 1/4096 up to 1/512! That‘s an 8x increase in likelihood.

Let me walk you through everything you need to know about foreign Dittos and why they‘re pivotal for efficient Shiny breeding…

A Quick Intro to Shinies

For the uninitiated, Shiny Pokémon are ultra rare variants with different color schemes. Here‘s an example of a standard Magikarp next to its unique pink Shiny form:

As you can imagine, these special color schemes are coveted by collectors and battlers alike.

Without getting too technical, standard Shinies have a 1 in 4096 chance of appearing – making them very elusive!

This leads to immense demand for ways to increase Shiny odds…which is where foreign Dittos come in.

Understanding the Masuda Method

Enter the Masuda Method – named after the director of many Pokémon games, Junichi Masuda.

The Masuda Method refers to breeding two Pokémon from games with different language origins. This simple tactic increases the Shiny odds to 1 in 512!

For example, breeding an English Pokémon with a Japanese Pokémon activates the improved 1/512 Shiny chance.

But how does this work exactly? We need to quickly cover the basics of how Shinies are generated…

Behind the Scenes – How Shinies Are Created

Whenever an egg hatches or Pokémon spawns, the game performs a few key checks:

  1. Generate the Pokémon‘s attributes (stats, ability, etc.)
  2. Generate an encryption value based on the Pokémon‘s attributes
  3. Generate a random number between 0-65535. If ≤ 16, the Pokémon turns out Shiny!

Step 2 is crucial – the encryption value seeds the randomness for potential Shinies.

And this seed varies between languages! Matching languages use similar seeds – different languages create distinct seed values.

Essentially, the Masuda Method tricks the random number generator into outputting numbers that commonly fall into the Shiny range. All because breeding parents come from games with different language origins!

Okay, now that we‘ve uncovered how Shinies and the Masuda Method work…let‘s get back to why Ditto is the key!

Ditto‘s Breeding Versatility

While the Masuda Method can work with any two Pokémon from different regions, Ditto has unique advantages:

Ditto can successfully breed with almost every other Pokémon – whereas something like Magikarp only works with a handful of egg groups.

This means any one foreign Ditto opens up possibilities with hundreds of potential breeding partners!

Furthermore, Ditto copies the form and moves of its breeding target…meaning it can dynamically pass down moves and help meet breeding criteria for unusual egg requests.

In other words – foreign Ditto is the ultimate Masuda Method companion for pumping out hordes of Shiny candidates across multiple Pokémon species!

Okay, let‘s visualize exactly how big the gains are…

Masuda Method Shiny Odds at a Glance

Breeding ScenarioStandard OddsMasuda Method Odds
Random eggs without charm1 in 40961 in 512
Random eggs with Shiny Charm1 in 13651 in 512
Wild encounters without charm1 in 4096N/A
Wild encounters with Shiny Charm1 in 1365N/A

As you can see, the SHINY CHARM does not stack – but still helps reduce odds further for random breeding.

Ultimately, the Masuda Method delivers an 8x Shiny boost many hunters can‘t afford to miss out on!

With odds reaching as high as 1/512, I‘ve personally bred multiple Shinies in a single weekend with an efficient foreign Ditto setup…

My Firsthand Experiences and Successes

After Pokémon X released in 2013 I got walloped by the Shiny hunting bug hard. I dove deep into all the mechanics – including properly utilizing foreign Dittos.

I decided I would Masuda my way to every new Gen 6 starter…which I actually pulled off in 3 months!

Now 800 eggs may not sound quick – but when standard odds predict 4096 per shiny, I consider that great speed.

Beyond starters, Ditto also helped me pump out Shinies for competitive play. Once I bred a Japanese Ditto with perfect IVs there was just no looking back!

I‘ve had raid weekends where I‘ve churned out 4-5 Masuda Method Shinies. Even full odds hunting I‘ve never topped 3 in a weekend – so trust me when I say Ditto is a game-changer!

Of course, acquiring that initial foreign Ditto can still prove challenging…

Where to Catch and Trade For Foreign Dittos

If you want to reap the Masuda benefits yourself, first you need that crucial foreign copy.

Here are your best options for landing an overseas Ditto:

In-Person Trades

Nothing beats local trades with foreign students or travelers in airports. Doesn‘t hurt to ask!

Pokémon Trading Forums

Subreddits like r/ShinyPokemon host Ditto trade threads. Established members often offer free Masuda Dittos.

Pokémon Global Trade Station

Scan for Ditto requests under world languages like JPN, SPA, FRE tags. You can browse open requests without even depositing a Pokémon.

Foreign Ditto Giveaway Discords

I recommend Beale Symphony. Friendly community plus hosts Ditto raffles and giveaways.

Buy Games/Systems In Different Languages

Drastic but guaranteed solution. For example buying a cheap used Japanese 3DS with Gen 6 or 7 preinstalled opens easy access to native Dittos.

Trading takes a bit of digging but pays off enormously in shiny productivity over time. With Sword/Shield‘s mechanics, breeding foreign Dittos only got easier too!

Well, that sums up the full picture on foreign Dittos – the why, the how, and actionable tips. Let‘s wrap this up…

The Verdict – Start Hunting With Foreign Ditto for 8x Odds!

At the end of the day, the reality is simple:

Foreign Ditto + Local Pokémon = 8x Shinier Odds

Ditto‘s unique breeding versatility makes it the ideal target for Masuda Method breeding.

And with sufficient patience, dedication, egg hatching prep, and trade hunting – import Dittos offer game-changing boosts.

That wraps up this deep dive on why players covet those overseas Transform Pokémon! Hopefully you feel equipped to begin boosting shiny productivity yourself.

What‘s your favorite shiny you ever bred with the Masuda Method? Which Pokémon do you think has the best shiny palette? I‘d love to hear about your own experiences!

Stay tuned for more guides soon taking things to the next level – using advanced RNG manipulation to pre-determine perfect shinies with ideal stats. That‘s right…I‘m talking automated 5-6IV square sparkle breeding!

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