Why Pokémon Break Free and How to Stop It

We‘ve all faced that moment dozens of times – you spot a rare or high CP Pokémon, use your best ball, execute what seems like an excellent throw, only to cry out in frustration as the creature pops out and flees after all that effort!

As a passionate longtime player and content creator myself, I totally get that agony. But don‘t worry, understanding exactly why they break free and how to counter it will help you turn the tables!

What Causes Pokémon to Resist Capture

Wild Pokémon are generally content living life on their own terms unless a trainer can prove they deserve to be caught. Running some numbers sheds light on why that is easier said than done!

Base Flee Rates

Every Pokémon species has a fixed ‘Base Flee Rate‘ – essentially a percentage chance it will escape after breaking out of a thrown ball. This rate differs based on multiple attributes:

Rarity Tiers

TierExample SpeciesBase Flee Rate
CommonPidgey, Rattata10%
UncommonGrowlithe, Poliwag10-15%
RareMagikarp, Eevee15-20%
Very RareLarvitar, Bagon20-25%
Ultra RareDeino, Gible30-35%
LegendaryMewtwo, Ho-oh90-99%

So rarer Pokémon are just harder to pin down! But there are other factors too…

Level Ranges

Higher level Pokémon within a species also tend to have an edge when resisting capture:

Level RangeFlee Rate Modifier
36++ 20%

Put simply – the stronger the Pokémon based on CP, the more likely it can shake off your attempts. Time to turn the tables!

How Players Influence Catch Outcomes

While base attributes define the odds, skilled trainers can overcome those odds with the right countermeasures! These include:

Throw Accuracy

  • Hitting inside the colored circle gives an accuracy bonus
  • Smaller the circle, the higher the accuracy boost
  • ‘Excellent‘ and ‘Great‘ throws have the maximum boost
  • A complete miss has significantly lower odds
  • Consistency matters – one bad throw can spoil many good ones!

Throw Bonuses

  • Using a Curveball gives a 1.7x XP bonus
  • It also increases catch rate by around 10-15%
  • Chaining multiple curves improves chances further
  • Consistent curves take lots of practice but pay off!

Berry Usage

  • Razz Berries calm the target for the next throw
  • Golden Razz Berries work better for rare encounters
  • Nanab Berries reduce evasion to land easier throws
  • Time berries for just before the ball is thrown!

Type of Ball

  • Poké Balls work for most low level Pokémon
  • Great and Ultra are needed for 100+ and 400+ CP targets
  • Premier Balls have low catch rates despite looking cool!
  • Special balls like Heavy improve odds for certain species

Now that we understand why Pokémon break free, let‘s discuss reliable ways to catch them!

Pro Tips to Stop Escapees in Their Tracks!

Simply loading up on Great and Ultra Balls won‘t cut it against hardy targets – calculated strategy is needed!

Before Encountering

  • Have a stockpile of regular and advanced balls
  • Equip the best available based on known possible spawns
  • Decide your capture priority – I skip low CP ones
  • Assess surroundings – water species near lakes for instance

During Encounters

  • Observe movement patterns – some jump/attack more than others
  • Use Nanab if evasion looks to be an issue
  • Monitor the circle – wait for it to shrink for an easier lock-on
  • Throw during attacks rather than between – better accuracy as it‘s locked in place!
  • Set the circle then wait – eliminates need to perfectly time
  • Curveballs are king – spin every single throw for the XP and catch boost!

After Breakouts

  • Quickly use Golden Razz to drastically cut flee chance
  • or regular Razz to make next attempts easier
  • Switch ball type if using standard – e.g. Great instead of Poké
  • Re-engage immediately while it‘s still stunned
  • Consistently curve! A fleeing Pokémon will likely resist straights

Chaining – Advanced Tactic

Learn to throw and re-engage quickly after breaks to ‘chain‘ multiple capture attempts. With each throw:

  • Becomes easier as Pokémon loses HP
  • Reduces likelihood of fleeing
  • Increases catch rate

Use chaining to wear down resilient targets!

Addressing Common Issues

Despite the best tactics, you‘ll still likely face some occasional capturing headaches:

ProblemLikely ReasonSolutions
Straight throws keep missingNeed practice with curveSpend time learning to add spin
Hits don‘t get ‘Great‘ ratingCircle locking needs workSet circle then wait for attack animations to throw
Breaking out instantlyToo low CP ball usedMatch ball type to CP chart recommendations
Fleeing after first breakRare species or bad RNGUse Golden Razz to stop escape artists
Caught but low IVRandom chanceChase species candy to power up rather than IV

The Bottom Line

Pokémon fleeing capture can definitely be frustrating. But at least now you know exactly why it happens, and how to flip the odds in your favor with the right strategies!

As your skill improves, you‘ll be stopping those escape artists in their tracks in no time. Remember to throw accurately, time balls well, use berries wisely, and never underestimate those curveball chains!

Have fun out there fellow trainers – see you at the next Raid!

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